Thursday, October 9, 2008

Get the chip off your shoulder

A PBS (go figure) anchor has made the statement that "pseudo controversies" are masking what is actually racisim against B. Hussein Obama. From what Joe Sixpack American has seen and believes - we don't think people are at a place where they really care if our President is a woman, black, whatever. We need a good leader, someone with courage to stand up for the American people. Someone not interested in growing government.

The American people want someone who believes in America, someone who has always been proud of America and what it stands for, someone who has the kind of experience needed to lead us. B. Hussein Obama is not that person. I'd rather see J.C. Watts in there than Obama - because he has a similar value system.

Joe Sixpack American knows that McCain / Palin can lead the U.S.

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