Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Today's Quote of the Day

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president." -- Vaclav Klaus, Premier of the Czech Republic

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Man Giving Away $1,000 in Mall of America Gets Busted

First, watch the video here of Serge Vorobyov tossing $1,000 into the Mall of America rotunda.  

No evidence of a mob rush and people getting tackled.  How could this going to hold up in court?  If it does, it will be legislating from the bench to make an example out of Serge Vorobyov to force the community into citizen compliance at the whim of the court.  If you're going to follow the statist mindset put out here by these communist media idiots at the local CBS affiliate after such a dumb move by Mall of America, there's a logical trail of thought that can get you there.  However, you have to abandon all reason, logic, intelligence and common sense...all of it.

Capitalism must end.  This insanity of throwing $1,000 into the rotunda provides proof of it.  There is a great case for inciting disorderly conduct by the manufacturers of all retail goods.  Since many businesses work hard to get to Black Friday, which by the way is so racially insensitive to blacks it should be changed to Strategic Targeted Uptick for Positive Increase Day, or STUPID for short (thank you Al Sharpton for the idea).  The retailers who sell said goods at such low prices on STUPID, causing the mindless masses to enter into wrestling matches over said items, should also be arrested and charged with multiple counts of inciting disorderly conduct.  This position can be made by the repeated occurrences of chaos and mayhem every STUPID.  The solution, clearly, is ending capitalism worldwide.  

You don't have the mental capacity to run a business without regulation.  Shut your company down or obey government regulation. We will more than likely force you to stay open so that a fair trade tax can be assessed across all similar businesses, thereby leveling the playing field.  This will have zero impact on your actual business because it is a business tax that will be deemed illegal to pass along to consumers, but that is irrelevant to you. This is for the greater good.

You don't have the mental capacity to shop, behave like mature adults.  Walk home or take government transportation.  Your fossil fuel vehicles will be disposed of this week by the Department of Urban Movement Betterment.  The mall will be closed for your own good, shortly.  If it is left open, it will be with heavy regulation to ensure behavioral standards that serve the greater good.

You will now all accept government provided food.  Since it is not fair that some less fortunate people are unable to buy steak and lobster meals when they choose.  So, steak and lobster and all other similar luxury food items are now banned.  Everyone will get an equal share of potatoes, genetically modified chicken-like product and genetically modified corn-like products.  These genetically modified products are done so to ensure mass production for all people.  The contents have been deemed acceptable by your government.  This is done for the greater good.

You will not question why those burdened with the responsibility of regulating your business, providing your housing and food will be permitted exemption from those rules.  It is the least you can do to express gratitude to them.  Carry on, citizen.  Remember, to obey is good and to resist is futile.  We are government and we legion.

Yes, people.  This is satire.  It sounds completely ridiculous, but this is how the communists in the democrat media complex think.  Clearly, Serge was trying to have a positive impact on several people's lives.  He should not be beholden to others in how he accomplishes this and these little toadies at the local CBS station should stick to reporting news instead of editorializing it.  But, we all know that's now how statist media works.

The smart mall managers across the country would be wise to take a cue from Serge by putting him on a national tour to do a money drop every day from the top story of each mall during a performance of "Let It Snow."  Men like Serge want to have a positive impact on their community.  His actions prove it.  Mall managers like Rich Hoge at Mall of America don't need to encourage excessive reactions like this by their security guards.  This could have been a great PR opportunity for them.  Mall of America's PR person Dan Jasper should be chastised for not coming up with this idea on his own.

The entrepreneurial Canadian family and owners of Triple Five Group, which owns Mall of America, should question GM Rich Hoge's decision to have the situation handled this way by his staff, thereby creating this PR nightmare.  The mismanagement of something like this is not likely how the builders of American Dream Meadowlands in New Jersey would prefer to make headlines.

No one wants to end up as a negative DrudgeReport headline.

Matt Drudge leaves stories like this running long just to make a point.  The decision was excessive and normal people everywhere know it, or it wouldn't still be a headline on Drudge.  

If Mall of America is like most malls during the Christmas season, they stick a guy in a Santa suit in one end of the mall, have kids take pictures while the kids ask for a present, which this guy won't be providing.  Serge, on the other hand, gave away actual money - and he's the guy that gets in trouble.  You just can't make up this kind of nonsense.

Show your support of Serge and his efforts to do something good by calling the mall.  Flood them with phone calls at 952-883-8800, then bombard the Mall of America Facebook page and Mall of American Twitter page.  Let them know you Support Serge!

Want to reach out to them directly?  Here you go...

Dan Jasper, Public Relations - djasper@mallofamerica.com - 952.883.8829
Rich Hoge, General Manager - rhoge@mallofamerica.com - 952.883.8800

Serge - just an average guy in Minnesota trying to provide a good life for himself...and gets penalized for it by the toadies at Mall of America. 

America - we are better than this.  

Love God.  Love people.  Stand for liberty.  Fight tyranny.
Encourage others to do the same.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Sad Little Sycophants

A picture is worth a thousand words.  I'll leave the picture to speak for itself.

Happy Friday, patriots.  Stand for liberty!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Back to the Future

Back to the Future 10/30/2016: The AP has reported today that amid the increasing unrest within the country, the Obama Administration has renamed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to the Department of Homeland Control (DHC). Former New Black Panther leader Maruse Heath, a.k.a. King Salim Shabazz, has been named as the new Director of the DHC. Mr. Heath was quoted as saying, “This is a great victory for all my brothers and sisters in this great country. Like my sister Michelle Obama said years ago, ‘For the first time in my life, I’m proud to be an American.’” To think that I was in jail just a couple of years ago on weapons charges, which by the way were totally fabricated by the white racist establishment, well, it just brings a tear to my eye and a thrill up my leg. And now – I get to ride roughshod over everyone. I get to carry any kind of gun I want, any place I want, and I can arrest anyone I want. I have just started my new career, but I know I’m going to love it!” With the recent unrest around the country, there have been rumors swirling around that the Obama Administration has been considering declaring Martial Law. This action on the part of the DHC would seem to be a precursor to instituting Martial Law within the United States. There have been riots all over the country in the last several months as the inflation rate has soared to 37%. Ironically, the unemployment rate has reached 37% as well, with many companies closing their doors, either unable or unwilling to pay the 75% tax rate on their businesses. We will keep you posted on the status of these recent developments.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy Fiscal Cliff New Year

Common sense.  Two frequently used words.  Yet, ironically, common sense is not used by a lot of people.  This couldn't be more evident in the fiscal cliff "deal" that has been handed to us by our elected officials.

What is common sense?  It appears to have changed based on our last election.  If historic common sense had been used, there's no way Obama would have been elected, not to mention re-elected.

Historically, common sense tells us that if we are spending too much as a family based on consistent paychecks from work, then we need to cut back spending - especially if we have any hope of having investments so we can retire when we are too old to do our jobs.  Debt, historically, has not been viewed as a good thing.  These days, our culture has pushed us to a place where debt is an accepted part of our entire life.

Then...there is government.  Specifically, government debt.  Why does the government need debt and how does it justify its debt?  The same way everyone else does, by telling themselves lies about what is needed and selfishly ignoring the consequences.  Those consequences are that the American people need to suck it up and support algae growers and other "pork" in legislation.

Of course, it's easy to point fingers at the democrats that insisted on raising taxes on the rich, the top 1%, the millionaires they tell us that don't pay their fair share.

Fair share.  That's funny.  Nevermind that our elected officials are that 1%.  They are hypocrites that use their press conferences to decry the financial 'club' they are in themselves.  They are hypocrites who employ the YouTube testimony of those 1%-ers in the entertainment industry to continue their brainwashing efforts of the American public on things ranging from gun control to .

Now, in light of the "deal" on the fiscal cliff, it's also quite easy to point at Republicans...or as they are not-so-affectionately known as RINOs...who caved into Obama, Reid and company after putting on their little dog and pony show where they "stood up" to the tax increases.

Consequently, we're all frustrated with where things appear to be headed for our great nation.

Talk radio show hosts like Rush, Glenn, Sean and Herman get our blood pumping, which is a good thing.  The challenge is getting together a game plan to execute that will make a difference.   Radio shows and networks like Fox News are great but don't offer solutions.

The solution, if you haven't figured it out, is left to We The People.  We can't rely on TV show hosts to change the world.  We can rely on them to inform us on political news and offer perspective.  But, it is up the regular Joe Sixpack Americans like you to stand up and change what we don't like about our country.

The solution and the game plan will be posted on January 4, 2013.

RINOs, you're officially on notice.  We The People are done.  Real change is coming.

-Joe Sixpack American