Sunday, November 30, 2008

Word of the Day for Sunday November 30, 2008

incursion \in-KUR-zhuhn; -shuhn\, noun:

1. a sudden attack; invasion, raid
2. a running or flowing in
The B.O.'s foreign policy and military experience wouldn't even be capable of handling an incursion by pirates on a garbage barge in the Caribbean!
--Spy Maker, JSA'S Blog

by 1432 "hostile attack," from Latin incursionem "a running against," from incurrere

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Palin Power still Packs a Punch

When was the election? Yes, weeks ago. In the time since, B.O. has only just passed Sarah, bumping her down to the #4 spot on Lycos weekly list of the Top 50 searches online.

What this likely evidences is that either the RNC got their pick totally wrong for the top of the ticket - or they have a really huge game plan for the next 4 years. Er...2 years, if you count how B.O. likely plans to campaign.

Politico covers the top internet rankings Sarah Palin has been garnering, including the only politician in Yahoo's Top 20 (she got the #4 spot there as well).

Detractors who slammed Palin as the reason for the GOP loss didn't get it right. With the enormous interest people have taken in her, it may be safer to say that she was the reason the election was not a completely lopsided loss and that conservatives actually have someone they can get behind a la Reagan.

Sarah in 2012!

Limited B.O. exposure. It's a good thing.

How great it was to see only one mere mention of B.O. on Drudge Report tonight. One! To boot, it was the second to last link on the right hand column! Virtually no exposure to B.O. Almost the same on Fox News - you'd have to look for exposure.

It would seem that he couldn't come up with a reason to have yet another press conference from the non-existent-and-lacking-in-any-amount-of-authority-office-of-the-president-elect.

Limited exposure to B.O. It's a good thing. (thank you, Martha)

Word of the Day for Saturday, November 29, 2008

balustrade \BAL-uh-strayd; bal-uh-STRAYD\, noun:

a railing at the side of a staircase or balcony to prevent people from falling

I wonder if the B.O. children will be seen sliding down the balustrades of the White House.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

by 1644, "row of balusters," from French balustrade, from Italian balaustrata "provided with balusters," from balaustro "pillar," from balausta "flower of the wild pomegranate," from Greek balaustion (perhaps of Semitic origin, cf. Aramaic balatz "flower of the wild pomegranate"). Staircase uprights had lyre-like double curves, like the calyx tube of the pomegranate flower.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Word of the Day for Friday, November 28, 2008

eminent \EM-uh-nuhnt\, adjective:

1. high in station, rank, or repute; prominent, distinguished
2. conspicuous; noteworthy
3. high; lofty
4. standing out above other things; prominent
I suspect the B.O. is hoping that the world will see his cabinet appointees as eminent politicians and scholars, but they are nothing more than recycled Carter and Clinton cronies that are receiving their rewards for their support of him.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
c.1420, from Latin eminentem, prp. of eminere "stand out, project," from ex- "out" + minere, related to mons "hill.". Eminence is first attested 1621; as a title of honor (now only of cardinals) it is attested from 1653.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Word of the Day for Wednesday, November 26, 2008

emollient \ih-MOL-yuhnt\, adjective:

1. softening or soothing
2. something that softens or soothes
The extent of B.O.'s emollient approach to the Republicans appears to be throwing them a bone in the form of asking Defense Secretary Robert Gates to stay on at the Pentagon.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

by 1643, from French emollient, from Latin emollientem, prp. of emollire "soften," from ex- "out" + mollire "soften," from mollis "soft."

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Word of the Day for Tuesday, November 25, 2008

reprobate \REP-ruh-bayt\, noun, adjective:

1. a very wicked, unprincipled person; scoundrel
2. very wicked; unprincipled
3. to disapprove; condemn, censure
4. a person predestined to damnation, rejected by God
5. rejected by God; damned
6. to reject from salvation; predestine to eternal punishment
B.O. spent his angry youth as a reprobate and a druggie, underwent an alleged spiritual rebirth somewhere along the line, and now, as Joe Sixpack American has pointed out, seems to be regressing back to his old way ways.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

by 1545, "rejected as worthless," from Late Latin reprobatus, pp. of reprobare "disapprove, reject, condemn," from Latin re- "opposite of, reversal of previous condition" + probare "prove to be worthy.". The noun is recorded from 1545, "one rejected by God." Sense of "abandoned or unprincipled person" is from 1592. Earliest form of the word in English was a verb, meaning "to disapprove" (1432).

Dropped like a spent cigarette

It is said that when you are under pressure, your true colors show.

Obama, in the weeks since he has become President-elect, he has yet to go to church.

The only reason to point that out is to remind people of the hypocrisy of B. Hussein Obama. He said whatever he knew would get him into office. Now that he's there, you can count on the fact that he will spend the next 2 years crafting a way to get re-elected.

The hypocrisy of it is that he made enough of an issue during the campaign that his faith was so important, his church was so important...and Rev. Wright was important enough to him that he was more like an uncle.

Yet, when it became necessary for political expediency, he dropped Rev. Wright like a spent cigarette. Now that he's Pres-elect, he's also dropped church in the same go to the gym.

Unfortunately, we can't call for a do-over as more things come to light about B.O., unless someone managed to prove he's not really a U.S. citizen (we should be so fortunate).

Monday, November 24, 2008

Word of the Day for Monday, November 24, 2008

guerdon \GUR-duhn\, noun:

1. a reward
2. to reward, pay back
There will be many entities expecting their guerdon from B.O. as a result of their support for him.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1366, "reward, recompense" (now only poetic), from Old French guerdon, from Middle Latin widerdonum, from Old High German widarlon and influenced in Middle Latin by Latin donum "gift"

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Word of the Day for Sunday, November 23, 2008

escutcheon \ih-SKUHCH-uhn\, noun:

1. a shield decorated with a coat of arms
2. the protective metal plate around a keyhole and lock, drawer handle or pull, light switch, etc.
3. the panel on a ship's stern bearing her name

Escutcheon, "because...words...are...important!"
--Tommy Boy

by 1480, from Old North French escuchon, variant of Old French escusson, from Latin scutum "shield"

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Word of the Day for Saturday, November 22, 2008

nabob \NAY-bob\, noun:

1. a native ruler in India in the Mogul empire; by extension, a person from India who made a fortune there

2. a very wealthy and prominent person; mogul

B.O. kowtowed to every liberal and socialist nabob both here and abroad in his quest to pad his coffers for his presidential bid.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1612, "deputy governor in Mogul Empire," Anglo-Indian, from Hindi nabab, from Arabic nuwwab, honorific plural of na'ib "viceroy, deputy." This word was also used of Europeans who came home from India having made a fortune there, hence "very rich man" (1760).

Friday, November 21, 2008

Word of the Day for Friday, November 21, 2008

Lucullan \loo-KUHL-uhn\, adjective:

rich; magnificent and luxurious

The ordination of B.O. will be a truly Lucullan affair.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

by 1857, from Latin Lucullanus for Licinius Lucullus, a Roman general famous for his wealth and the luxury of his banquets

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Word of the Day for Thursday, November 20, 2008

amatory \AM-uh-tor-ee; -tohr-\, adjective:

of love; expressing love, especially sexual

1. Unlike his Democrat predecessor, we hope B.O.'s amatory urges will be properly confined this time.

2. The fawning, the toadying, the obsequious behavior of the B.O. groupies (voters) was of an almost amatory nature.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

by 1599, from Latin amatorius "of or pertaining to love," from Latin amator "lover"

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Word of the Day for Wednesday, November 19, 2008

eminence grise \ay-mee-nahn(t)s-GREEZ\, noun:

a person who wields power or exerts influence behind the scenes

It appears that Hillary Clinton may not be satisfied with playing the role of eminence grise to B.O., but rather continue to be a power broker in the Senate.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1838, French for "gray eminence"; originally used in French for Pere Joseph, a monk who was Cardinal Richelieu's confidential agent, for the gray habit he wore, in contrast to the Cardinal's red habit

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Word of the Day for Tuesday, November 18, 2008

affectation \af-ek-TAY-shuhn\, noun:

1. an artificial way of talking or behaving put on to impress others; pretense
2. an unnatural action, expression, or trait that indicates artificiality

B.O. is a world class poseur whose affectations completely overwhelmed the realities of his capabilities and experience.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

by 1548, "studied display," from Latin affectationem, from affectare "to strive for"

Monday, November 17, 2008

Word of the Day for Monday, November 17, 2008

adulterate \uh-DUHL-tuh-rayt\, verb:
1. to add an inferior, impure, or improper substance to; lower the quality or purity of a food or other substance without greatly altering the appearance; corrupt

2. debased by adulteration; adulterated
It will be dysphoricly interesting to observe how much B.O. will attempt to adulterate the conservative fabric of the American Society over the next four years.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

by 1505, from Latin adulterationem, from adulteratus, pp. of adulterare "corrupt, debauch," from ad- "to" + Late Latin alterare "to alter"

What's a few hundred billion?

Apparently Congress' majority seems to think the American people aren't paying attention. To their credit, they are unfortunately right about a lot of Americans.

Currently, there is NO oversight of the initial $350 Billion bailout. Sen. Inhofe-R of Oklahoma is calling for a freeze on the remaining $60 Billion from the initial bailout and a freeze on the other $350 Billion yet to be wasted.

Why, you might ask? Sen. Inhofe says Congress has no idea where Sec. Paulson (the guy with Congress' blank check) has spent that money.

Support Sen. Inhofe's efforts to get Conressional oversight by contacting your State Rep. or Senator. Contact if you need help finding contacts.

If that lack of accountability and transparency doesn't shock your mental system, then you are so out of touch with what is happening with your government that it should make you sick. Not that everyone should know everything going on, but there was such a massive push for getting this bailout done and in such a short amount of time that EVERYONE should be questioning 3/4 of a Trillion dollars being taxed on the American people with no accountability!!!!!!!

This is what the Founding Fathers described so accurately described as TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION - and it's a VERY BAD THING!!!

This "bailout" that was initially meant for the housing industry so the Fed could help "right" the economy. It has since become Paulson's Piggy Bank for bailing out GM and other non-housing companies. Again, this is taxation without representation.

For those of you unaware of the financial PER PERSON cost of this bailout, we'll give you a breakdown. First, we're all going to get taxed to cover it, since we all know that government is not going to shrink to cover this expense. - - - Please tell me you weren't SO naive that you thought the government just had this money lying around. You DID realize this government "bailout" was coming out of your pocket...right? Right!?!?

There are roughly 300 million people living here in the United States of America. IF you assumed an even distribution of taxation per person to cover this bailout, every single person in the U.S. would be taxed this year just over $2,300. Remember, that assumes every person is paying taxes, which they don't. So, your taxation will likely be higher.

So, how would a net loss of $2,300 affect your family this year?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The BO Word of the Day

Word of the Day for Sunday, November 16, 2008

adduce \uh-DOOS; -DYOOS\, verb:

to offer as a reason in support of an argument; bring up as an example; give as proof or evidence; cite
The liberals could could not adduce any logical or historical arguments to prove that B.O. had the experience to lead this great country, so they just kept with the mantra of "Change". It worked.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

by 1616, from Latin adducere "lead to, bring to," from ad- "to" + ducere "to lead"

Conservative Republican = Joe Sixpack American Republican

It's interesting. Tonight was partially spent reading through blogs of the oxygen-lacking-to-the-brain persuasion. One in particular was actually interesting to read. The author, a mildly left-leaning individual, actually lamented the loss of what were referred to as "sane Republicans."

In the referenced post, the author described the current, at least perceived, state of the Republican party. The synopsis of it is that the Republican party, the supposed party of small government, has sure helped grow it over the last eight years. The author expressed gratitude for not being responsible for wresting "sanity out of the corporatist, militarist, nativist, theocratic mess that Bush republicanism became."

It is easy to disagree with those sentiments. However, the more important thing to see here is not another blog entry of "Bush-bashing," but a genuine question of the person's perception of what the Republican party appears to stand for. The frustration of this writer was manifested and multiplied by the marketing of O. The idealist in people came out as is evident by our election results.

Ideally, a black man could get elected, bring some unity to a partisan political environment, improve global relations, blah blah blah. Ideally, sure. Realistically...something about a snowball's chance in a really warm environment comes to mind. This will not happen, primarily because everything Pres-elect O. stands for is not good for Joe Sixpack American. Read your history books, kids. Read up on Marxism, Socialism, Communism, etc. They don't work and the people forced into that environment end up oppressed by their government. Sound fun? Move to Russia and let us know how it works out for you.

True Conservatives, now, more than ever, is the time to make sure your voice is heard. Your conservative voice can impact those currently disappointed with the Grand Old Party. While it would be great to refer to the new True Conservative movement that has been taking place as the Grand New Party, it would likely get confused with the GNP...Gross National Product. So, JoeSixpackAmerican is sticking with Joe Sixpack American Republican as a descriptor for political discussion purposes and Republican for party affiliation. Enter both into the conversation when possible to make sure people understand there is a difference between Republican and Conservative Republican...or in the case of this writer...Sane Republican.

A Joe Sixpack American Republican is someone who supports things like the Contract with America, policies good for entrepreneurs and policies bad for big government. There are some things that need to be in place as it relates to government. Politicians with too much power forget what it is like to be bothered by big governemt, even those in our own party. Joe Sixpack American Republicans, make sure your voices are heard. Email if you need to track down a politician to get your voice heard and have difficulty finding their information.

Fight. Fight hard. Fight some more.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Word of the Day for Saturday, November 15, 2008

frowzy \FROW-zee\, adjective:

1. dirty and untidy; slovenly
2. smelling bad; musty

Chicago was like the perfect storm for the election -- it was the coming together of liberals with terrorist histories, Democrat operatives bent on winning at any price, and a city replete with frowzy panhandlers and dead people willing to vote early and vote often.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1681, possibly related to dialect form frowsty "smelly," of uncertain origin, perhaps related to Old English þroh "rancid"

Friday, November 14, 2008

Word of the Day for Friday, November 14, 2008

ensconced \en-SKONST\, adjective:

1. sheltered comfortably and firmly
2. sheltered safely; hidden

Only when he was firmly ensconced in the President's office, with the reins of power in his hands, did B.O. begin to discuss his true agenda with his closest allies.-- Adapted from Stephen Coonts, Fortunes of War

by 1590, "to cover with a fort," from en- "make, put in" + sconce "small fortification, shelter," probably from Dutch schans "earthwork"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Word of the Day for Thursday, November 13, 2008

obsequies \OB-sih-kweez\, noun:

funeral rites or ceremonies

"While the upcoming Inaugeration Day may seem like nothing more than obsequies for the Republican Party, Joe Sixpack American has helped us to keep the faith in his recent blog entitled 'Why the Architect Feels Good About 2010'". -- Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

c 1385 from Middle English obseque from Middle French, from Late Latin obsequiae, an alteration of Latin obsequia "compliance, dutiful service" and influenced by exsequiae "funeral rites"

Why The Architect Feels Good About 2010

And now, a message of encouragement from The Architect...

Karl Rove, a man with a nickname that is highly appropriate, sounds off on some good news for Conservatives...or at least Republicans. (the two do not always go hand-in-hand, you know)

Mr. Rove cites history and general trends as it pertains to lost and gained seats in Congress. He also points to some redistricting that should tilt the field back for the GOP.

Could this mean...only 2 years of complete frustration?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Letter to my Veteran friends

First, thank you.

Second, sorry I didn't get to this yesterday.

Now, back to the thanks. I am the son of a retired Lt. Col. from the U.S. Army. I am quite proud of my father. My grandfather served in the Army as well in WWII. I am also quite proud of him. They both have seen things that I will never have to see, done things I will never have to do.

Friends of mine have been in all branches of the military and several friends are still serving. Most are over in Iraq, some in Afghanistan. They are great Americans for doing what they do. I think of them often in gratitude and try to express that when I'm thinking about it.

As much as things have changed in this country, especially now living in a post-911 world I still don't think about my personal security. It's not just because I have my head in the sand or because I'm busy with my work or my family. I sat this morning (now Thursday) adding this paragraph because I was trying to think about why I don't think about our security.

Then it hit me. We have a military of volunteers who signed up for this job. They've been volunteering since we arrived on the northeast coast of this country. We fight long and hard for what we believe in and our military always gets it done. As a result, I have a subconscious sense of peace about living here. I don't need to be surrounded by armed defenders or have tanks rolling the streets to know I'm safe and secure (barring the occasional nut job). Our military takes care of business.

While I completely love history, I don't know as much as I should about the wars of my father and grandfather. Certainly not as much as I would like to know. I do know my grandfather chose to join. He wasn't drafted or pressured into joining. There was no draft. He chose to join and he served with honor. He is a hero.

Sometimes, I sit and daydream about what it must have been like in the U.S. during that time. Yes, there were liberals and conservatives. But the overall sentiment was different about our wonderful nation. There must have been, for the struggles of the Great Depression past us, such optimism about where the U.S. was headed.

My father joined, knowing he would likely end up drafted anyway. He stil made the choice to join rather than hope the draft missed him. He chose to join. He served for 20 years, loved it and retired. He's a hero.

When any of you made the choice to join the military, there was likely the thought somewhere in the back of your mind the possibility you may end up in some type of battle. Yet you still chose to join.

You, who have served so bravely - whether in battle, a hospital, or in another capacity - are due a gratitude by this nation beyond what you are given. One day out of 365 to honor you is the least we can do.

Thank you for doing what you do. It still stirs my heart when I pass you in the airport. I have no idea whether you are headed home from the 'sandbox' or if you are on your way over there. There isn't enough time when I am at the airport to speak with every serviceman and woman I see, but I try to take a moment and say thank you to some of them as I travel.

Thank you. You rock!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Haiku for BO

Taxes going up
Like a tornado in spring.
Obama is here.

How to Encourage your Conservative Leaders

I encourage all conservatives to reach out to Rep. Paul Broun - GA and thank him for standing up for conservatism. The True Republicans left in the House & Senate need to be encouraged by the people - so please do so when you have a minute to call their offices.

The most helpful way for the People to make a difference and have their voice to have your voice heard. Call members of Congress and thank them when they stand up for Joe Sixpack Americans like you!

Here is Sen. Broun's info:

Rep. Paul Broun
(202) 225 - 4101 - D.C. office
(706) 447-3857 - August office
(706) 549-9588 - Athens office
(706) 886 - 1008 - Toccoa office

Thank you, Representative Broun, for standing up for conservative values.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fed transparency clear as a brick wall

So much for transparency at the Fed. After the mess we got into with the mortgage crisis and the protection of those responsible (Dems!), I suppose it should not surprise anyone that the Fed is refusing to identify publicly where $2 Trillion is going.

While not a super-majority, the liberals have eonough clout to protect whoever they want - and that has clearly started.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

B.O.'s First 100 Hours

Camp O was initially failing to pay its campaign workers, then when they began to get paid, those same workers did not receive their full wages. Some saw their checks cut in as much as half, while most were paid about 25-40% less than they were told they would receive.

After having just stated that he's met with all the living Presidents, Obama managed to blank on their names...except Clinton.

He takes a completely uncalled for shot at Nancy Reagan for having seances (not that I'm condoning those seances), then publicly apologizes.

Says he won't comment on whether he was surprised after receiving his first national security briefing...which is code for "Yes, and holy crap! What have I gotten myself into?" (I bet the state of our national security was better than he arrogantly thought it was)

He is publicly shunning Fox News Channel by answering questions from all networks but Fox. Not sure if that makes him a chicken or just a punk! I'm going to go with a bit of both.

O has now seen the worst post-election Stock Market plunge for any incoming President.

Wow. What a disappointing first 100 hours. I hate to see what his first 100 days are going to look like if this is his warm-up.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Now Hiring - President of the United States of America - No Experience Required

Last month I wrote a post called 143 Days of Experience.

It was written about the fact that B. Hussein Obama - at the time he decided to form his exploratory committee for his bid for the Presidency - had a mere 143 days of experience as a Senator. Prior to that he was a "community organizer."

Somehow, slightly more people (and that blasted Electoral College) have been snowed by a branding campaign ("Change") into believing that B. Hussein Obama is more qualified than John McCain for the highest office in the land.

Let's take a quick review of what you can NOT do after a mere 143 days of experience:
  • You couldn't become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience as a surgeon.
  • You can't get a job as a new teacher and be the superintendent after 143 days of experience.
  • You can't join the military and suddenly become a colonel after a 143 days of experience.
  • You can't get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news anchor after 143 days of experience.
  • You can't even get your first job at McDonald's and become a district manager after 143 days of experience!
Yet, he is now President-elect.

When I applied for my first "real" job post-college after 143 days of interning for the company I was at, there is no way I would suddenly be qualified to run the place. Yet we have elected a man with just that much experience to run our country.

"Change," they all screamed. Change...they got. We went from a President who said he "didn't inhale" (yeah, right) to a President-elect who said he's done cocaine...and unless I missed something...he didn't condemn doing drugs, he just admitted to having done them.

For those of you who voted for "change" - you're getting it. I just don't think you know what you're getting.

For the "I told you so" department

This is awesome! You can't ask for a better story to talk about just two days after this election. Campaign workers for Obama were supposed to be getting paid for working (canvassing streets, etc.).

Workers were initially not getting paid for their hard work. Then, once they started getting paid for their time - it wasn't near as much as they thought they'd be getting. One person was expecting $480, but got $230. Another person said he worked nine hours a day for four days and was only paid half of what he was told he'd be paid.

Welcome to Obama. You voted for him! Now deal with the consequences.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Looking at the Future through the Eyes of the Past

The Past...

"Rehoboam son of Solomon was king in Judah. He was forty-one years old when he became king, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city the Lord had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel in which to put his Name. His mother's name was Naamah; she was an Ammonite.

Judah did evil in the eyes of the Lord. By the sins they committed they stirred up his jealous anger more than their fathers had done. They also set up for themselves high places, sacred stones and Asherah poles on every high hill and for themselves high places, sacred stones and Asherah poles on every high hill and under every spreading tree. There were even male shrine prostitutes in the land; the people engaged in all the detestable practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before the Israelites...

In the twentieth year of Jeroboam king of Israel, Asa became king of Judah, and he reigned in Jerusalem forty-one years. His grandmother's name was Maacah daughter of Abishalom.

Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as his father David had done. He expelled the male shrine prostitutes from the land and got rid of all the idols his fathers had made....Asa's heart was fully committed to the Lord all his life." 1 Kings, 14 & 15, NIV

The Future...

"Barack Hussein Obama II son of Barack Hussein Obama of Kenya became President of the United States of America. He was forty-seven years old when he became President, and he reigned four years in Washington DC, the city the Lord had chosen out of all the areas of the United States to put his name. His mother's name was Ann Dunham; she was an American.

The United States did evil in the eyes of the Lord. By the sins they committed they stirred up his jealous anger more than their fathers had done. They also set up for themselves high taxes, sacred entitlements and government programs on every high hill and in every city. There were even gay marriages in all the land; the people engaged in all the detestable practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before the Americans...

In the twelfth year of the twenty-first century Sarah Louise Heath Palin became President of the United States of America and she presided in Washington DC for eight years. She was the third of four children of Sarah Heath, a school secretary, and Charles R. Heath, a science teacher and track coach.

Palin did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as her predecessor Ronald Reagan had done. She expelled the entitlement programs and excessive government spending and got rid of all the Democrat idols that had been made...Palin's heart was fully committed to the Lord all her life; she returned her Republican Party to its Conservative roots and the majority of the people in the land were again happy." 45 Presidents, USA

And that's the ballgame (for the next couple of years)

So there it is. We have elected a new President.

Love him or hate him, he's our new President. Personally, I couldn't be less of a fan of B.O. I've always believed that B.O. stinks. No clever packaging can cover the stink of B.O. It's still there lurking beneath, stinking. Telling me it's "change" doesn't convince me that it's still not going to stink. B.O. stinks. Period.

We have an interesting time in our history. The Senator with the most liberal record and the least amount of experience has been elected to our highest office. That alone may be a study for the ages - but I'll leave that to someone else to work on.

Tomorrow, the morning shows will all be talking about what happened. Talk radio will have its airwaves slammed with phone calls from people on both sides of the aisle. No matter who you voted for, you'll return to your job tomorrow where you work hard to provide for your family. You will drive the kids in your minivans and SUVs to daycare and school. You'll stop by your favorite morning spot for a hot cup of coffee and, depending on your baristas political leaning and your own, you'll either offer a celebratory toast or move on about your business and finish heading to work. You may work in a cubicle, drive around the city as an outside sales person or serve the public in some way. Some of you will "cry" with friends, others will feel elated about the change.

If you wanted change - you're getting it. The reality is that you were going to get change no matter what. Too many people who voted for "change" don't know enough about the history of Obama and his politics, his associates and all that shapes his perspective. They were the recipients of a marketing campaign who bought the product much like the latest pop-star to hit the scene. It's a dangerous way to handle American politics.

People don't know who they elected. For crying out loud, the guy was in office as a Senator for only 143 days when he decided to run for President. But now, thanks to our Founding Fathers, we have President #44 and a Democratic/Liberal majority in the House and Senate. Sadly, JoeSixpackAmerican believes that some frustrating times are in store for Americans because they did not fully investigate the candidate and will now pay the price with this liberal, socialist, marxist majority.

However, is not going to sit back and take it!

JoeSixpackAmerican is going to do whatever we can to point out how this liberal majority is not acting in the best interests of Joe Sixpack American. We will also do whatever we can to point out when anyone of any party affiliation acts in favor of conservative politics and policies.

We will give you contact information on Senators and State Reps when we think it warrants calling them out or thanking them. As citizens of this great Republic it is your duty as an American to make your voice heard. At last count (as of this writing) over 98 million people voted in this election.

Every vote counted is another voice heard. But you can be even more impactful by keeping your voice heard all year long, not just around the big elections. Rise up. Make sure your voice is heard year-round. Encourage those that think like you to do the same. Educate the fence-sitters about what you believe and why. Encourage people who want to make a conservative difference in politics. Support them through word-of-mouth. Support them financially. Support them by voting. is a conservative watchdog - watching the liberals, the conservatives and everyone in between. Call out your elected officials when they don't act in favor of your best interests and thank them when they do.

And please tell your friends to visit

B.O. stole from Bob The Builder

Even my kids noticed that B. Hussein Obama ripped off his campaign slogan from a kids TV program (Bob the Builder) using Bob's signature line "Yes we can."

I know that the politicians on the Hill are going to play nice and downplay their true feelings about what an Obama presidency means. Those of us at don't have those headaches to deal with. We are not running for office, re-election, etc.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Clinton breaks another law

Clearly, Sen. Clinton believes - like usual - that she is above the law. She is seen inside a voting area pushing for Obama & the Democratic party.

It's illegal, dummy. Just because you're a Senator doesn't mean you're allowed to break the law!

So far left, it's actually weird

I'm going to save ranting on this knuckle-head for tomorrow. Safe to say it will be an earful.

Too late, somebody drank some of the stupid kool-aid

Yes, that means I'm calling this woman stupid. I'm not going to apologize for it either. Listen to her! That's stupid and irresponsible. She's looking for a hand-out.

"I don't have to worry about paying my mortgage." What?!

Did I get knocked on the head, slip into a coma and wake up in another universe where responsibility and hard-work are not needed and U.S. Presidents are voted in as though it were the new season of American Idol?

Don't feed the bears and don't drink the Stupid Kool-aid

I'm really trying to understand how people can believe it is even remotely appropriate to vote for someone like Obama "because he's not McCain." That is a direct response I got from a guy I spoke with about 20 minutes ago. While I backed off my "tone" after my initial response, it likely set the tone for the short dialog. I told him that "because" was not an answer. That's like saying "because" to your parents when they asked you why you did something wrong as a kid. "Because" wasn't an acceptable answer then and it is an irresponsible answer now as a voting adult.

The problem with that mindset is that it shows not much (if any) knowledge about either campaign's beliefs. When I asked what was so great about B. Hussein Obama, he merely touched on the cliche talking points that O puts in his YouTube videos.

He also said that Republicans are only all about the "almighty dollar". When I proceeded to ask him if he had a job, he said yes...but cut off the conversation when I asked if it was a big or small company that he worked for. THAT type of response shows just how much "Obama Kool Aid" some people have consumed.

If you happen to be an undecided voter and you're honestly looking for someone to share some bullet points on why McCain/Palin is better for America, email me and I'll email you a one-page list of why. If those reasons are not compelling enough...then you're a glutton for punishment if O wins. You know not what you're voting for.

Am I biased to McCain/Palin? Absolutely. I also know exactly why and how his Presidency will affect me, my family and my work. I also know how dangerous the alternative is.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Disturbing Trend

The photo below captures a disturbing trend that is beginning to affect wildlife in the US.

Animals that were formerly self-sufficient are now showing signs of belonging to the Democratic Party... as they have apparently learned to just sit and wait for the government to step in and provide for their care and sustenance. This photo is of a Democrat black bear in Montana nicknamed 'Bearack Obama'

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Now, we all know that B.O. stinks, so...
Just say NO to B.O.!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Somebody buy Obama a new shovel (because he just keeps digging a deeper hole...)

So Barack Obama did not know that his aunt, a campaign donor who attended his Senate confirmation, was living in the United States illegally for the past four years (an immigration judge rejected her request for asylum and ordered her to leave the country in 2004). Obama campaign officials declared today (per that "they did not assist her in getting a tourist visa and had not known that she was living in America." Really? The woman's nephew is about to be the most powerful man in the world, and she hasn't sent so much as a birthday or Christmas card? Are we to believe he didn't even know that she lived in the same country? I don't know about you, but I have numerous family members that I don't know well, or have rarely seen. But I do know what country they are all living in.

Obama's advisor David Axelrod said, “The American people are pretty sensible and I think they are pretty suspicious of things that are dumped in the marketplace 72 hours before a campaign, so I am not concerned about that.”

Well you're right David... The American people ARE pretty sensible. And we're not buying this denial. It's just another bullet-point on a very long, long list.

Acorn, Aunt, Ayers.... And those are just the A's!

Rush - the "Godfather" of talk radio

Great "Godfather" photo of Rush...and a pretty good interview as well. Telegraph writer Nigel Farndale did a good job while still (not unexpectedly, I'm sure) inserting his own opinions. Thankfully, however, it was not done to an excessive point. Sounds like Rush will be rattling cages for quite some time.