Friday, October 31, 2008

O getting jittery...

A move like this...someone must be getting nervous that the McCain Train is getting more momentum.

Macho Sauce Presents "Crabs in a Bucket"

Watch the first 60 seconds of this video from Macho Sauce Productions. His passion might just keep you hooked for the whole 9 minutes. I'm not going to spoil any of it. Just come back and leave a comment on it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

In a crushing blow, Obama loses his "galactic" supporter

Looks like McCain has it in the bag. You may be thinking, "What!?" Providing a little levity to the week, our friends over at Red State got a scoop that is out of this world. Obama has lost his galactic support. : ) The real question is who are Bigfoot and Batboy endorsing?


GM pulling a "Babe Ruth"?

Apparently, GM is "calling" the bottom of the economic downturn. Curious how they can do that. I'm sure they can theorize based on car sales, home sales, etc...but isn't the Fed, or an economist better suited for this type of "call"?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Please buy a ticket to the Clue Train

It's amazing to me how the libs manage to just shrug off and dismiss the historical support for Obama's Socialist/Marxist agenda.

The fact that the comments are "7 years old" is irrelevant! He just said the same thing to Joe The Plumber. Therefore, the comments from seven years ago are just as relevant and important (disturbing) as the ones he made to Joe.

More and more information keeps coming out that supports just how wrong for American Barry Hussein Obama is.

What I can't believe is the number of voters (under 30) I've spoken with who don't understand Socialism, Marxism, etc. They just know that Obama = change. Unfortunately, they don't have a clue what that change really is. Sadly, I'm sure there are many 30-60 year olds who are equally clueless.

Obama - Socialist or Marxist?

The debate, at this point, is really more whether Obama is a Socialist or a Marxist.

Based on his strategic friend selection noted in this excerpt from his own book...I'm going with Marxist.

One thing is certain - whether he is a Socialist or a Marxist, he is NOT good for America.

Please vote smart and not trendy by voting for McCain/Palin.

Obama's tax plan via "barstool economics"

Trying to figure out Obama's fuzzy math? Here's a great breakdown on "barstool economics"...

Here is your progressive tax plan. For those of you questioning if Obama's plan is socialism, you should read the communist manifesto. One of marx's ten planks of a socialist society is a progressive tax plan.

Barstool Economics

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.

So, that's what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. 'Since you are all such good customers,' he said, 'I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20.'

Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free.

But what about the other six men - the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?' They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer.

So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.

And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.

'I only got a dollar out of the $20,'declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man,' but he got $10!'

'Yeah, that's right,' exclaimed the fifth man. 'I only saved a dollar, too.

It's unfair that he got ten times more than I got' 'That's true!!'
shouted the seventh man. 'Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!'

'Wait a minute,' yelled the first four men in unison. 'We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!'

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, ladies and gentlemen, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
University of Georgia
For those who understand, no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Did you ever think about how ironic it is that all of Obama's views, opininions and ideas stink so much and that his initials are B.O.?

Another late night score for Drudge

You've got to love how Matt Drudge digs it up right near the 11th hour, and seemingly always in the middle of the night.

2001 - Barry Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama says in a radio interview that one of the tragedies of the civil rights movement was that they lost track of some of the community organizing on the ground didn't put together and legislate "redistribution of wealth."

2001 - Obama showed his true color as a Socialist! He says that redistribution needs to be legislated as opposed to being brought through the courts. Gosh, as President (still don't buy it that he's a U.S. citizen), he'd be able to legislate to his Socialists heart's content.

Also said ...three of us (Obama, a radio host and a listener who called in) could come up with a rationale for brining about economic change through the courts. This guy thinks that between himself, a radio show and a caller that they could strategize a full economic makeover of the United States of America!!!

Stop this Socialist from becoming our next President!

His "change" should disturb every American citizen to their core.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The question of Obama's U.S. citizenship continues to be in question. If, in fact, he was born in Kenya of an American citizen mother and a Kenyan citizen father, then the following question arises: Isn't he still a U.S. citizen and therefore still meets the citizenship requirements as set forth in the U.S. Constitution? Here, in part, is what the US CODE> TITLE 8 > CHAPTER 12 > SUBCHAPTER III > Part I > § 1401> paragraph (g) says:

"(g) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than five years, at least two of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years: Provided, That any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States, or periods of employment with the United States Government or with an international organization as that term is defined in section 288 of title 22 by such citizen parent, or any periods during which such citizen parent is physically present abroad as the dependent unmarried son or daughter and a member of the household of a person
(A) honorably serving with the Armed Forces of the United States, or
(B) employed by the United States Government or an international organization as defined in section 288 of title 22, may be included in order to satisfy the physical-presence requirement of this paragraph. This proviso shall be applicable to persons born on or after December 24, 1952, to the same extent as if it had become effective in its present form on that date; and..."

Here is the link for the complete text of this document:

Perhaps an attorney could interpret it better, but it appears to me that the U.S citizen parent had to be out of the United States for the reasons listed after "Provided, That..." -- Obama's mother was not out of the country based on any of those provisos, therefore he would not be eligible to be President.

I suspect that this is just one of the many reasons that Obama is stonewalling the release any of his pertinent records of his past.

If Obama is so proud of his past, why is he so reluctant to put these sorts of questions to rest?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Man up, Barry.

Someone got their cage rattled (watch to the end of the video). The story - covered here - talks about Camp Obama's reaction to tough questions asked of Joe Biden.

These questions are what average Joe Sixpack Americans want to know. This reporter had the guts to ask the tough questions. Joe Biden doesn't want to come clean that Obama is a Socialist. Since Joe Biden won't come clean on it and wants to laugh it off - Joe Biden must be a Socialist as well. Apparently Obama wants to turn us into the U.S.S.A. (United Socialist States of America) and Joe's got his back.

The reaction of Obama's camp shows that they will do whatever they can, manipulate all media so they can manipulate the American people about their real agenda.

Frankly, Camp Obama threatening to "cut off" this station shows how much of a pansy Obama is. Obama clearly never got in a fist-fight in school or always got his butt kicked in school because only a daisy reacts like this.

You can't handle the questions Joe? Then drop out! The American people don't want rhetoric spin - and they SURE don't want their wealth re-distributed. Joe Sixpack Americans want a leader. Obama is no leader and neither are you.

Joe Sixpack American does not want Socialists running the U.S.A. Vote McCain/Palin!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hollywood's "right" brained list...

We edited down this post. It was really long. If you're interested in the list, post a comment and we'll email it to you. JSA

Not everyone in entertainment is "left"-brained.

There's a great list - according to WCBS TV - of "right"-brained celebs, some more surprising than others. Biggest point - not everyone in Hollywood has lost their political mind.

R&R - or - CYA

So Obama has taken some time off to "visit his sick grandmother in Hawaii."

Is this the same grandmother who said Obama was born in Kenya (DQ'ing him from job as POTUS)?

Is this the same state that Obama said he was born in (he disagrees with his sister which hospital it was he was born in)??

Is this the same guy who has NOT responded to a Federal lawsuit by Philip J. Berg in Pennsylvania (yes, NOT responded to a court order demanding he prove his citizenship)???

McCain took care of his issues (being born in Panama on a U.S. base). Prove it or drop out Obama!

Somewhere in Kenya...

Somewhere in Kenya, a village is missing its Socialist.

(t-shirt & bumper stickers coming really soon)

Hip Hop artist endorses McCain...

Watch the video (click here) to find out what rapper E-Shy thinks about Obama. (Clue: not much). E-Shy is not exactly a hip hop outsider either. Needlz from G-Unit (yes, 50 Cent's G-Unit) did a lot of production work on E-Shy's album.

Hip Hop...or Hip Hope?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trick or Treat - under the Obama plan

This should turn the votes of these kids that are getting snowed by their liberal parents...

Some call it "stirring the pot"...we call it free speech.

Someone is calling out Obama for what she believes he really is.

Don't let the leftist media coverage sway you. What the media is afraid of is that average American citizens (Joe/Jane Sixpack Americans) will push their State Reps or Senators and tell them that they will vote in new Congressmen/women if Obama is elected.

The big story is not just the popular vote on Nov. 4. It is also very much the Electoral College vote.

Tell your State Reps and Senators in your state that if the Electoral College in your state votes Obama - they'll be jobless come the next election.

That can turn the entire tide of this election.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama's math as good as Al Gore's fuzzy math...only more insulting

The following sentences are straight from the Obama-Biden campaign...

"The Obama-Biden tax plan includes a tax cut of $1,000 for more than 150 million working Americans. The plan will also eliminate income taxes altogether for more than 7 million senior citizens who make less than $50,000 per year. Finally, Obama’s plan will provide an average of $500 to 10 million homeowners, the majority of whom earn less than $50,000 per year."

That's a FAR cry less - like...90% less - than the thousands he has said he'd be giving away (courtesy of the hard-working Americans that are the ones actually EARNING that money). Second - he's made such a whoopdee-doo about his "grand tax breaks/incentives/credits (whatever).

$500. That's the big incentive for middle class America. $500.

If I were you, I'd be monumentally insulted. That's like half a mortgage payment (maybe) for one month out of an entire year. - Exposing Obama's Socialism...and arrogance. - Supporting McCain/Palin 2008!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Socialism Fails in Surfer's Paradise

Universal (Socialist) health care fails in Hawaii-50. Shocking, I know.

(Do you detect the sarcasm here? Good, 'cause I'm laying it on pret-ty thick)

Just an early warning shot of the apathy that Obama's Socialism will incur nationwide!

Obama = Socialism

McCain/Palin = America!

More on Liberal Lemmings

Obama's campaign has been systematically creating a political synecdoche, hoping that a pathetically small part of his experience -- a trip to Europe, shaking hands with a world leader, making a good speech to a big crowd -- would suggest that he is ready to be the leader of the free world.

The liberal lemmings are buying it -- hook, line, and sinker!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Family Guy - tacky, still irritatingly unrefined

Like anyone should be surprised at the tackiness of a show like "Family Guy".

Being surprised at the show taking a cheap shot at McCain/Palin is like being surprised when you tune in for an episode of Saturday Night Live and finding it still isn't funny.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Obama Endorsement

In an interview with ACORN Spokesrodent Mickey Mouse, Mr. Mouse confirmed that Senator Barack Obama has been in direct contact with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He revealed that President Roosevelt has given Senator Obama his full and complete support in his quest to be the next President of the United States.

The former President went on to comment that he will vote often prior to and during the upcoming election to show the country how completely he supports the Senator. He also stated that he saw no valid reason why the Senator shouldn't be able to be elected to four terms in office just as he had been able to do. "This is the land of opportunity," he said, "and people like Senator Obama shouldn't be constrained by silly laws."

The full text of the discussion between President Roosevelt and Senator Obama can be read on the ACORN website.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Obama's plan turns IRS into giant welfare agency

McCain has been delivering his most cutting criticism of Obama's Socialist plans.

Obama's plans are absolutely Socialism. Make no mistake about it.

A vote for Obama = a vote for financial chaos in the U.S.

A vote for McCain/Palin = a vote for Capitalism and the American way.

Vote AND call your state Reps & Senators and tell them that electoral votes that go for Obama mean you'll be voting out of office those same Congressmen and women at the next election!

Let them know a vote for McCain is what this country needs!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Howard the Hanger-On

Hanger-on Howard Wilson was on Fox News Channel today.

Mr. "let's not give titles to the undeserving" keeps hanging on to his "Former Hillary Clinton Spokesman" title. Cut the crap, Howard. You're not a spokesman anymore. So stop using the title.

Disagree with me? Then I suggest you retract your comments about Joe the Plumber.

Today, Howard said, "He's not a plumber, his name's not Joe and he would actually get a tax cut under Barack Obama," he said. "What it says is that John McCain's campaign didn't vet Joe the Plumber."

Since when does the average Joe Sixpack American need to be vetted??? I feel like Rudy Guliani at the RNC saying this, but - what is that??

Hillarly lost. Get over yourself and your lame title.

Second, Joe's not a plumber? Then exactly what is it he does, Howard?

I'm writing a book right now. I'm not being paid by a publisher to write, but I'm writing just the same. Does that make me not a writer? No.

Joe operates as a plumber under the owner of Newell Plumbing and Heating. Does that make him not a plumber since he personally does not have a license to plumb? No.

Don't be a ding dong, Howard.

Joe the Plumber - Part III

Joe the Plumber. You gotta love this guy.

Just as quickly as he has exposed Obama as a Socialist by getting him to say "spread the wealth" on national television, the liberal media - gunning for an Obama victory - have turned the hot water on Joe. At this point, its more like scalding hot water.

The media have earned the "slimeball reporters" reputation they have. They have dug up personal issues on a guy in Ohio who questioned Obama - all in an effort to try and create a distraction from Obama's Socialist comments to Joe.

The liberal press don't know everything about Joe the Plumber there is to know. He owe's back taxes (like none of them do). As I have previously mentioned - he may be disputing that amount.

The liberal press insist because Joe "only" makes $40,000 a year, he'll "get a tax break" under Obama's plan.


When a liberal...nay...Socialist...says they're going to give you a tax break - they are lying. Socialists tax you. With Obama's plan at 3% higher than John McCain's plan - that's already $1,200 more in the tax burden Joe the Plumber will have to pay. That's what he (allegedly) already owes now!

Why would an average, hard-working guy like Joe vote for Obama? It just doesn't make sense.

The liberal press, and I dare say FNC at this point save Hannity & Huckabee, seems to be missing the point.

Joe the Plumber is really more a symbol for the typical Joe Sixpack American small business owner that is trying to get ahead. More taxes are not appealing at any point...especially with an already tight economy.


YES - McCain/Palin!

Barack "Steve" Obama

Last night at the Al Smith Memorial Dinner, Obama joked that, despite the rumors, his middle name is actually Steve.

Well, he had it right that his middle name starts with an "S". But it's more like, Barack Socialist Obama.

Regardless of the enjoyable evening of poking fun at themselves and each other last night, the big thing to remember, Voters, is that Obama has a Socialist (China, Russia, France) mindset and economic agenda.

Socialism is not good for Joe Sixpack American.

Vote McCain/Palin.

Support this hotel when in Washington...

One of the things that bugs Joe Sixpack American about the Democrats is that they would scream foul if Republicans reacted to an Obama sign the way these Dems are reacting to the McCain/Palin sign at this hotel. Not to mention, they'd be railed as bigots.

I guess the hotel's proprietor is not interested in Obama's spreading of their wealth.

Home run and a hot meal

Sen. McCain has had several good days, aided by Joe the Plumber last night.

At the Al Smith dinner, McCain knocked it clean out of the park.

19 days...

Say It Ain't So, Joe

Joe, the plumber...

Enemy of the State!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber - Part Deux

Fox News and other outlets have recently covered more on Joe the Plumber.

Allegedly, he owes almost $1200 in back taxes. What I haven't seen yet is what year that is from. Regardless - that's irrelevant. Besides, Joe's not running for office!

A friend of Joe Sixpack American was disputing tens of thousands in "back taxes" with the IRS. Not only did this person not owe that much, he ended up getting a refund from that year. What no one knows is how much he's making currently, whether or not he is disputing the back tax amount. You know what? It's nobody's business but Joe's! Do not judge Joe the Plumber unless you know (as Paul Harvey would put it) the rest...of the story.

What Joe the Plumber from OH represents is Joe Sixpack American, the guy who is busting his tail to better his family's situation. (remember that whole "American dream" thing?)

Joe the Plumber, like many hard-working Americans, is at a touchy place with taxes. Can you blame him? The idea of having to pay even more, should he get in position to buy the business, infuriates him. How anyone can be surprised at this is monumentally astounding!

Mainstream Media outlets are now working to slander and discredit Joe the Plumber.


Simple. It becomes a distraction for Obama from the SOCIALIST comment that he made.

"Spread the wealth around" is what Obama said to Joe the Plumber. That...IS...Socialism - and that is not something that supports Joe the Plumber or Joe Sixpack American!

I hope his appearance on FNC more than covers his back taxes and the money he needs to buy Newell Plumbing and Heating up there in Holland, OH. I'm sure that would just make Obama highly aggitated. Talk about giving Joe the Plumber a bully pulpit.

Then I hope he gets a great lawyer (Mr. Murdoch's hopefully) and slams all the liberal media outlets with a defamation of character lawsuit...and wins! High time someone is able to stand up to them that is completely representative of Joe Sixpack American.

Whatever happens with Joe the Plumber and his tax situation and his goal of buying a business, we may never know. But, he has certainly done something that many on the Republican side of the fence could not do this entire campaign. He got Obama to say what type of economic belief system he subscribes to. Obama, disturbingly, thinks distribution of wealth (Socialism) is the ticket.

Obama - not for Joe Sixpack American.

Vote for McCain/Palin 2008!

Joe the Plumber

Last night, the race for John McCain was won.


Joe the Plumber.

The conversation with Joe the Plumber and Obama was the tide-turning dialogue McCain needed. McCain took advantage of it last night early in the debate...and based on the economy and how sensitive people are to it - Joe the Plumber is the only thing that needs to be talked about for the next 20 days.

Joe the Plumber is Joe Sixpack American and Joe is "infuriated" by Obama's tax plan. You should be too! Obama wants to tax guys like Joe to "spread the wealth".

That is Socialism.

Link to transcript on Obama's abortion discussion

Our friends over at Red State have a great post addressing the transcript of what B. Hussein Obama really said in Illinois about abortion. Bottom line, this guy supports infanticide.

Please read this post, send it to your friends, etc.

Obama will say anything to make you think he's "a good guy." He's not.

Secret Service says...

No one said "kill him." This coming directly from Secret Service agents on the ground.

More lies from Camp Obama.

Not surprisingly, you don't hear about ridiculous stories like this from McCain/Palin.

Vote for the ticket that represents Joe Sixpack American and Joe the Plumber - who by the way has since come out and said that Obama's proposed economic plan infuriates him!

When is it okay to mock a war hero?

Of course the answer is NEVER!! Unfortunately, not everyone in the U.S. has the same manners that they should.

Our friends over at Vigilant Squirrel Brigade have some sad videos. I say sad because the liberals in NY - specifically it appears to be some Code Pink people - are mocking John McCain...a war hero.

It is appropriate to rail against someone's politics. But it should outrage people to see the man getting mocked because of his war injuries.

I'm all for 1st Amendment rights, but it is sad to see people abuse the right. You don't like McCain? Fine - but it's worse than tacky to make fun of the physical ailments he sustained defending our country...and our rights to things like free speech. Shame on you.

John McCain's story as a war hero is a story that you would think would soften the heart of nearly anyone. Stubbornness against the enemy, steadfastness in being a leader for his fellow POWs. He's no war monger, but Joe Sixpack American believes he'll stand up for what is right.

That is the kind of person that should be leading us. If you are undecided and reading this, please vote for John McCain/Sarah Palin.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Don't worry, everyone. No one Obama is friends with is "advising" the campaign.

The way B. Hussein Obama is going, it would seem that no one is advising his campaign. The latest in political expediency moves, Obama is trying to distance himself from Jesse Jackson's comments about the US's "pro-Zionist" relationship finally being altered.

The standard reponse Obama's office gives is "he/she/they are not advising our campaign," as though that is supposed to make the problem go away. Just because they are not "advising" the campaign does not mean that there is not a common belief between the two.

Rev. Wright - "not advising the campaign"

Bill Ayers - "not advising the campaign"

Jesse Jackson - "not advising the campaign"

As far as ACORN goes, he's not denouncing them, he's just saying that his relationship with them is "pretty straightforward".

It sure is. Obama paid them $800,000 to "augment his grassroots efforts in Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania.

Now, the Ohio and North Carolino Board of Elections are investigating suspect voter forms.

These individuals and organizations are all still friends with Obama. They are aligned politically still. They're just "not advising" the campaign.

Seriously?????? That's the answer only answer he has offered Joe Sixpack American.

Obama won't come clean on those relationships - or the lawsuit in Pennsylvania that charges he is not, in fact, actually a US citizen...and therefore unable to be President.

Contact info at Warner Bros. to support Prisoner of War movie

This post addresses not just the election, but our country's POW's.

Warner Brothers has decided to delay the release of a P.O.W. movie supportive...even sympathetic of prisoners of war to avoid "electioneering".

The prisoners of war movie promotion includes...wait for interview with John McCain.

Hollywood is scared that the slightest thing they might do could help John McCain. So they are hiding behind the "high road" by waiting until after the election.

"It's just us trying to be cautious and not affect the election one way or the other," said Ronnee Sass, a spokeswoman for the studio's home entertainment division.

Here are the contacts in the Home Video division at Warner Bros. Tell them to release the movie now!

Ronnee Sass -

Emily Zalenski -

Melissa Hufjay -

Put the pressure on and encourage WB to have some courage in supporting our POWs!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Campaign Contribution Theft for Dummies, by B. Hussein Obama

Check with your credit card company tonight! This Kansas City couple was charged $2300 for the Obama campaign.

And no...they didn't have donor's remorse. They are McCain/Palin supporters and their Chase credit card was used fraudulently to obtain the donation!

Not quite as unbelievable as the fact that Obama has people stealing money is the fact that Chase grilled this couple who are clearly not supporters of B. Hussein Obama.

I recently went to a Toby Keith concert. He made a great statement that should have been heard by every single McCain/Palin supporter. "Don't be afraid to be patriotic." I'll leave out the colorful statement afterward, but it further cemented his point.

So this is how Obama has bank-rolled his campaign - ripping off McCain supporters through credit card fraud. He knows that insurance will bail out the credit card company's loss - meanwhile, he's got a big financial warchest.

You don't hear about this kind of thievery from Republicans!!

Tell your liberal-leaning friends to reconsider voting for someone who behaves like this.

Vote McCain/Palin!!

Funny Political Video

The gang at Jib Jab are always good at lightening the mood.

Now voting...Mickey Mouse?

ACORN registers Mickey Mouse to vote. Their response - "it couldn't have come through our system." At this point, anyone using 1% brain power would not buy that line.

If the Pope is Catholic...

The Pope = Catholicism (no dispute)

B. Hussein Obama = Socialism (his words...not ours)

This clip is not taken out of context. It should absolutely terrify all small business owners, anyone who busts tail to earn in excess of $250,000 annually and any other rational human being who believes in Capitalism and does not want to live in a country that resembles China or Russia!

Vote in support of Capitalism.

Vote in support of JoeSixpackAmerican.

Vote McCain/Palin 2008!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Obama NOT a U.S. Citizen - Federal Lawsuit Filed

Philip J. Berg, Esq., a very accomplished attorney and life-long Democrat in Pennsylvania has filed a Federal lawsuit demanding he prove his United States Citizenship. Based on his research, he does not believe that B. Hussein Obama is a U.S. Citizen and cannot run for President.

We are contacting Mr. Berg's office to find out what you - Joe Sixpack American - can do to support the demand on Obama to provide proper documentation. More on this Tuesday...

Liberal Lemmings

The mindless mindset of the unwashed liberal masses has given birth to a new description...

Liberal Lemmings.

If ever there was an apt description of the liberal hysteria, that would be it.

Too much sweet potato pie

If you were at all questioning the lack of substance B. Hussein Obama has to offer, this video clip shows a good example of how lacking in substantive ingredients he is.

B. Hussein Obama talks about pie longer than Bobby Flay (TV Food Network) does.

1:43 spent talking on pie. I'm sure it is no coincidence that when he decided to run for President...he only had 143 days of total experience as a Senator. Hmm.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Lifeblood of American Capitalism

Washington Times just made a statement that is not only irresponsible, it's in fact not at all correct...on any level. I defy them to prove me wrong. Here is the opening line...

"The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression is claiming another casualty: American-style capitalism."

That type of statement certainly speaks to me that Washington Times would love to see nothing more than the failure of Capitalism and all things that America was built to stand for.

Credit has never been the lifeblood of any of my businesses that I started. Hard work, on the other hand, was. The friends I have who have started business hustled them up from nothing. Getting credit is not always an option, so you're left with true grit hustle.

Work hard, save up some money, go out on your own and make it work. Credit is not the lifeblood of Capitalism. That is a good way to get any country in trouble when it is viewed as such.

Obviously credit has been used at a very high level for a lot of businsses. It doesn't make it right. It's actually pretty stupid. It gets businesses in trouble. It has helped many businesses grow into powerhouses too. It's still not a bright way to build your company.

At one point, I will be buying a couple thousand acres and building a movie production studio - with zero credit on the project. I'm not inheriting money to do it. I didn't win the lottery. I'm working hard on a couple of my businesses (which I will either sell or use the cash-flow to fund my new ventures) and I will be writing checks for all of this.

Credit is the lazy, irresponsible way of building a business.

Back when the Great Depression happened, having nothing meant having nothing. Not at all like it does today. We are such a rich nation and it amazes me to think that our perspective is so off. I sit here working on a new laptop I just bought about a month ago, maybe less. I have books and magazines and CDs surrounding me in my office in my finished basement. I have an extra TV with a PS2 that my oldest son is playing on - and I have several games for it. I drive a used BMW I bought in April. There are plenty of days when cash-flow is thin and I feel like I don't have any money. The problem is simply my cash-flow. As Andy Stanley puts it, those are "rich people problems." He's right.

One of my grandfathers was really affected by the scarcity brought on by the Great Depression. The youngest of his brothers, he had nothing (from a monetary standpoint). He knew that if he was to have anything as he got older that he would have to work smart. Save, invest, work hard and earn the rewards. He built several companies, starting small and growing them as cash-flow allowed. He died a very rich man, rich financially and rich with family.

Hard work is the life-blood of American Capitalism. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Get the chip off your shoulder

A PBS (go figure) anchor has made the statement that "pseudo controversies" are masking what is actually racisim against B. Hussein Obama. From what Joe Sixpack American has seen and believes - we don't think people are at a place where they really care if our President is a woman, black, whatever. We need a good leader, someone with courage to stand up for the American people. Someone not interested in growing government.

The American people want someone who believes in America, someone who has always been proud of America and what it stands for, someone who has the kind of experience needed to lead us. B. Hussein Obama is not that person. I'd rather see J.C. Watts in there than Obama - because he has a similar value system.

Joe Sixpack American knows that McCain / Palin can lead the U.S.

Idiot-repellant or a shotgun...they look the same to me

I thought she was just holding idiot-repellant over her shoulder.

Whether sarcastic or not, you'll love the totally dumb statement by a...wait for it...writer for the L.A. Times. I know you're surprised an L.A. Times writer wrote something this...lame, but please contain your laughter.

Is it really possible that even those without gun experience are that inept?

Here's the snarky comment and pic thanks to our friends at Red State.

Daily Kooks, I mean, I mean Kooks

I originally hesitated to put anything up about these ding dongs, but I can't help myself tonight.

Even with the sever liberal leanings of a site like Kos, I can't believe the attitude they kick.

Seriously...this is a question for everyone who reads this post. Please give a comment on this particular post as we're looking for an answer here.

I'm old enough to be married with kids, young enough to being fully exposed to being part of the MTV generation and all that goes with that. But, I really don't understand the anti-US sentiments of people on a site like Kos. Take out the political bias from it and you see that there are just so many blatant lies.

Can anyone explain it? Or is it really what we all expect - drinking liberal, democrat kool-aid causes a severe lack of oxygen to the brain has permanently affected rational thought and the ability to dialogue like an adult.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Joe "what year is it?" Biden

Sen. Joe Biden is out of his noggin.

At the V.P. debate, he claimed having just spent time with someone at a diner...wait for it...that has been closed for over 15 years.

15 years!

THAT is a huge INTEGRITY issue. This guy is either completely out of his mind...and therefore not mentally capable for the job as V.P., or he is such an unbelievable liar that, like B. Hussein Obama, he'll say whatever he needs/wants to try and get elected.

Of course this is the same guy who doesn't remember when TV was invented, when the stock market crashed, etc.

I'm thinking out of his mind and lacking in integrity. Either way, Obama/Biden is not a team that is ready to lead the United States of America...not by a long shot.

Joe Sixpack American will not be supporting Sen. Joe Biden.

Joe Sixpack American supports McCain/Palin. They don't make stuff up about fake meetings at fake locations with fake people. They keep it real...true.

Stinky Wings Airlines

Come fly on Stinky Wings Airlines. We'll put you on the plane, give you a seat, but we're not cleaning up after you...or us. In fact, we're not going to be very accomodating about much of anything because we here at Stinky Wings Airlines have an entitlement mindset: "We're entitled to the change we want and we're going to take it any way we can." We'll make you wait needlessly for fake security reasons. We're not going to give you flight itineraries, enough time to do your job as reporters or anything that might make doing your job of flattering us any easier. We're actually going to make your job very unpleasant - but hey, that's why they call us Stinky Wings Airlines. Tell your friends...but you have to do it in less than 20 minutes. Hurry up, would you!

Unfortunately, this is not a phony ad about a fake airline. It is the real perspective of a CBS News reporter who has spent time with both Presidential candidates.

My friends in marketing say the same thing - when establishing a brand, the experience one has with it can ulitimately determine its success...or eventual failure. Obama's Stinky Wings Airlines is giving him an image that is going to bring his brand down faster than Enron.

The reporter shared his comments of B. Hussein Obama's plane, and they were...significantly less than flattering. Staff treated press groups rudely, the entire plane was not clean, it smelled, the press were put in "hurry up and wait" mode for completely unfounded reasons.

On the other hand (yes, this is where you breathe a full, deep breathe of happiness), the experience of those same people on John McCain's plane was totally different. The plane was clean and comfortable. If the press corps was ever rushed and asked for a bit more time to do their job, it was given to them...wait for it...with a good attitude!

Joe Sixpack American wouldn't fly Stinky Wings Airlines (Obama)...and neither should you.

Sounds like Stinky Wings Airlines needs to be grounded...permanently.

Trustworthy from Consistency

Joe Sixpack American can count on McCain/Palin. They are trustworthy.

How? You hear the same exact, consistent message from them.

B. Hussein Obama - not so much. Besides, before he started campaigning, he was only in office for 143 days...and he thinks that makes him qualified for the Presidency!?

Joe Sixpack American needs leaders in the White House that can stay focused, stay on point, on message and have a track record of delivering on what they say.

John McCain and Sarah Palin have that experience and have proved it. Look it up.

Barak - bummin' smokes on the trail

B. Hussein Obama wants to tax you more...and pay for his cigarettes.

No matter how you cut it, Obama is not ready to lead.

Vote smart - vote McCain/Palin. They are looking out for Joe Sixpack American!

Not for Joe Sixpack American - Rep. Barney Frank

Oh, what to say about Ding Dong Barney Frank. Oh, where to begin!

This guy is trying to blame Republicans for the mortgage industry problems...and he's trying to make it a race issue.

What?!?! Is this guy for real? What is amazing to me is that he might actually believe the blabbering escaping his lips. That's the scary part.

Maybe he forgot all the money he made from his Freddie/Fannie dealings.

Maybe he forgot that President Bush tried 9 times - - - yes, 9 times - - - to get better regulations passed on the housing industry. Democrats - who controlled House and Senate - voted the regulations down.

Whose fault is it? (Say it along with me) Democrats.

Rep. Barney Frank - you do NOT represent the best interests of Joe Sixpack American. You are on the bad guy list until you change your cheatin' ways.

Palin vs. Biden - - - point Palin.

For a guy who has many the Senate - you would think he'd actually know what the Vice President does and where his/her job description would be found.

Biden, you came off too cocky. You are not the type of Vice President the country needs. You are not ready to lead. Your pal, B. Hussein Obama is not ready to lead either - not after only 143 days of experience!

Sarah Palin, on the other hand, did get it right. Left-wing media outlets are either ignoring it, or are also just as clueless about our country.

Vote smart. Vote for the candidates that are working in the best interests of JoeSixpackAmerican! Vote McCain/Palin!

ACORN are a bunch of nuts!

If this type of fraud doesn't show the absolute desperation Obama has for winning...I'm not sure what will. Obama's buddies with ACORN in Vegas had their office raided after numerous complaints of fraud suspicion. Was anything found. Let's go with a resounding...and not hardly surprising...YES!

What did they find boys and girls? Phony addresses, names...and forms with the Dallas Cowboys roster names on them. Yep. Tony Romo, T.O., etc. No - they are not in fact registered to vote in NV.

And THIS is what "community organizers" do. Yes, Obama's "community organizer" experience is something to be touted - - - as exactly why he should NOT be elected the next President!

Vote smart. A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote for Joe Sixpack American!

143 days of experience?!

You couldn't become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience of being a surgeon.

You can't get a job as a new teacher and be the superintendent after 143 days of experience.

You couldn't join the military and suddenly become a colonel after a 143 days of experience.

You couldn't get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news anchorafter 143 days of experience.

You can't even get a job at McDonald's and become a district manager after 143 days of experience!

BUT....From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate.

That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World .... 143 days (and too many of those days Obama voted to raise taxes (94 times) and did not vote, merely stating he was "present").

We all have to start somewhere. The senate is a good start, but after 143 days, that's all it is - a start. For's not even a good one. Yet strangely, a large sector of the American public is okay with this and campaigning for him.

We wouldn't accept this in our own line of work. How on earth does it make sense to be okay with this for the President of the United States of America?

Voting for the Presidency of the United States of America is not an American Idol contest. This is a vote that affects the livelihood of the American way.

Please, ask your friends to check out this site - but more importantly, please encourage them to vote for McCain/Palin! They represent Joe Sixpack American!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

No "vogue-ing" for Palin

So, Madonna has issued a statement that Sarah Palin is not welcome at any of her shows. I'm thinking Sarah has quite a bit more class than to attend one anyway.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


We have another author joining His first post is titled "How Obama is like Peter Pan." Look for it this week.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Prayer & Hostility

Atheists are saying that the National Day of Prayer is a hostile environment. That's funny.

Here's the scene at the National Day of Prayer: a bunch of men and women praying to God, asking Him for wisdom for the leaders of this country and that He would soften the hearts of people in the U.S. so that more people would be open to the love God has to offer.

Yep, that ranks right up there with me getting in your face, pushing you, calling you names, yelling and threatening to kick your a**.

Prayer is hostile. That's funny. Sad too. But mostly funny.

Friday, October 3, 2008

This just in from the Dept. of Paranoia

...Reuters contacted the debate commission to ask them if they'd check to see if Sarah Palin might have ear bugs to hear answers from someone coaching her.

Hmm. That type of paranoia doesn't occur to Joe Sixpack American. We generally assume people are shooting straight with you and not using all methods of trickery.

Just curious if anyone can tell me when a news reporting agency turned into an investigative unit with liberal bias and spy-like...or criminal-esque paranoia.

Isn't it normally the bad guys that ask if you're wearing a wire?

Someone grew some stones

In the spirit of looking out for the general well-being for Joe Sixpack American, we need to give a proper "thank you" to Rep. Davis (D-AL) for calling out his Democratic counterparts.

They lied about Freddie and Fannie and it sure seems like he is the only one standing up and saying he wishes they would all admit they were wrong.

Please call or email Rep. Davis' office to encourage more of this type of behavior.

American Carol

There are at least a few in the entertainment community actors (and musicians...Trace Adkins) and certainly at least one producer/director-David Zucker, that are done with the conservative and Christian-bashing by those in the entertainment community. It's about time!

Using a duck to pass a bill

So many politicians are guilty of doing this, but here are a couple Joe Sixpack American is going to call out by name and bill.

Here is a short clip of the story (credit -
The Coburn package is a monster — according to his office, it costs nearly $3.4 billion and includes 160 separate pieces of legislation lumped together by Sens. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) and Ken Salazar (D-Colo.), with whom Reid said Wednesday he has consulted. The base bill would add or strengthen protections for areas of wilderness, national parks, forests, rivers, historic sites and other public lands. Staffers say the package includes an equal mix of Democratic and Republican bills.

Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) - 202-224-5521

Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO) - 202-224-5852

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) - 202-224-3542

Check the link on this story to read the whole article then come back to get the phone numbers of these Senators. Call them and tell them you don't want them to push this through and that it's not in the best interests of Joe Sixpack American.

These types of add-ons (wilderness protection, historic sites, etc.) are not items that need to be included on a BIG BAILOUT!!! YES, I AM YELLING THIS!!!

This proves that those who are supporting pushing this through are more concerned with THEIR agenda than the best interests of Joe Sixpack American!!! (Yes, still yelling).

Republicans, Democrats, Greenies, Indies, etc. If you are going to continue to do things like push your own agenda and not the best interests of Joe Sixpack American, we will call you out by name and encourage everyone we come in contact with to call you out.

You who are supporting all the "sweeteners" in the Big Bailout are stalling pushing something through that will have positive impacts on the economy. We still don't believe the Big Bailout is the best answer, but its passing is likely inevitable.

So, the longer you take to push through economy-fixing legislation, the harder we're going to push you. Expect to here from Joe Sixpack Americans from all over the country! (not yelling anymore, just speaking distinctly)

Bush giving marching orders on the Big Bailout?

It seems to be the case that 43 is giving marching orders to support the Big Bailout.

To be clear, Joe Sixpack American is about a solution to the problem. Solutions are Ya, opinions, and everyone has one.

Joe Sixpack American's opinion is that a solution needs to be executed that doesn't create another problem for the American people. The last thing we need is even more debt.

Debt...bad. Taxes...bad.

Economic growth stimulated by tax cuts so that small business owners can create more jobs...good.

Yes, we need a solution. JSA doesn't believe the Big Bailout is the ticket. Not sure what exactly would be the best solution as I don't have a degree in economics and access to all the information that Congress is looking at. But, we know that the Big Bailout isn't the best solution.

Glenn Beck and George Washington

Glenn Beck making us laugh but taking serious moment to mention what George Washington (yes, the first President) thought about political parties.

Candidate support by party

Here is a list of current Congressional supporters for each Presidential candidate. It also includes those in Congress without enough backbone to take a stand on which candidate they support and endorse.

Help for Hollywood

Hollywood may be getting a big boost from the Big Bailout. Tax incentives at almost $500 million. Hollywood already gets a lot of that - but this is a "sweetener" that was a bailout.

So follow this line of thinking. We need to bailout the housing industry problem - - - so let's give a tax incentive to Hollywood to make more movies.

Movies are great, but any pol who voted "YES" for the Big Bailout deserves a call and email from Joe Sixpack Americans just like you who are fed up with nonsense like this. Pols who voted "NO" also deserve a call from you letting them know you appreciate them looking out for Joe Sixpack American.

Sen. Reid causes more problems

When will these guys learn. Of course, one could speculate that it was intentional. Who knows. Either way, these comments are irresponsible at best to make "bankrupt" comments about insurers.

When people like Sen. Harry Reid do things like this, they affect Joe Sixpack American and normally in a very bad way. Those comments cause a loss in the stock market, which negatively affects retirement plans for people with retirement money in the stock market. They cause corporate budgets to shrink...which causes job losses. Which affects everything about Joe Sixpack American.

Sen. Reid, you need to learn the same lesson that the Dixie Chicks couldn't seem to learn - shut up! Nevermind your politics (for the moment). Your irresponsible comments are affecting Joe Sixpack American. Not acceptable.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Great VP Debate

Sarah Palin won - if for no other reason than she (noticibly) got under Joe Biden's skin. She proved she is more than ready for the job. For all the speculators that presumed she would somehow blow the opportunity, that presumption proved grossly inaccurate.

Delivering truth with humor, attitude and no-nonsense, Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin showed she is ready for the job. Watch the youtube videos on the debate if you missed it. She absolutely connected with Joe Sixpack American living on Main Street. See Drudge for the current tracking, but at this writing, she was up shown as winning with 72% of the vote...far off from her approval rating as Governor of Alaska!

Are you biased? Of course you are!

To say anyone, at this point, is not biased one way or the other is a joke. Everyone has bias in some direction. No one is a true centrist.

This blog is biased. We lean toward the right, toward conservativism - both socially and fiscally. Don't like it? Not our problem. Go find another blog. However, we encourage you to read what we're putting in here. We aim to push things in favor of Joe Sixpack American.

What is that? It's the average, hard-working American. In many cases, you can add Jane instead of Joe...but we're going to stick with calling the average U.S. citizen - Joe Sixpack American. If you like Jane Sixpack American better, visit the store and buy the t-shirt when we get them up there. But...I digress.

Our bias is for tax cuts, reasonable pricing for housing, Capitalism, entrepreneurialism, fiscal responsibility by our politicians, "clinging to our guns and religion" (hello 2nd Amendment and Freedom of Religion!), freedom to educate our kids how, when and where we want to (shout out to homeschool parents!), a big military to protect our way of life and all the other normal things that Joe Sixpack American supports.

JSAs have friends "on both sides of the aisle" because our parents taught us to respect our friends and neighbors and some of them are different. Doesn't mean you can't be friends just because you have differing political opinions. One of my closest friends is a liberal Dem with a very popular music group (remaining nameless). Doesn't mean he and I don't have a ton of other things in common.

Joe Sixpack American is the typical, law-abiding, God-fearing, hard-working American who believes in the principles that are the foundation of this great country. If you forgot those principles - go to the library and check out a few books on U.S. history.

Joe Sixpack American is a Republican, a Democrat, a Green Party member, conservative, progressive, etc. That's the great thing about living here. We can have similar beliefs and some that are polar opposites. This is an amazing country we get to live in.

When you vote, make sure you vote for the principles that keep American on track for Joe Sixpack American.

Palin pops open a can of Joe Sixpack American...

Just in time for the debates, Sarah Palin pops open a can of Joe Sixpack American on Sen. Biden.

Fuzzy math...or better accounting?

Part of the bill includes a change in some of the accounting practices. If we're not mistaken, this change was recommended by Dave Ramsey. The accounting change, which we'll investigate more, has the potential to help make the $700 Billion Bailout cost less. We will also let you know who voted in support of those changes.

That's looking out for Joe Sixpack American!

Who said "No"

According to Politico, here is the list of Senators who voted "NO" on the Big Bailout.

Depending on your thoughts on the Big Bailout, let them know what you think about their decision and whether or not you believe they are truly looking out for Joe Sixpack American.

Shape-up Senator Stevens

Senator Stevens. Dude, seriously?!? $250,000 in upgrades for your chalet in Alaska. You wanted to cover your tail because you obviously knew that what you had done was wrong. As a Joe Sixpack American, I get the contribute to paying the bill on crap like that.

Buddy, I'm afraid the power has gone to your head and you lost self-control. I think you should spend about a week and a half with a Joe Sixpack American family to remember what it is like to just dream about someday being able to afford a 1-week vacation to someplace like Denver to take the family skiing - let alone buying a chalet.

Decisions like the ones you made with your chalet are the very reasons that people do not trust politicians. STOP IT!!! We voted you into office, we can take that job away. Clean up your act, apologize and change your ways.

If you would like to express your disappointment with Sen. Ted Stevens and encourage him to start looking out for Joe Sixpack American, here's the information you need:

Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) - 202-224-3004

or hit his email form here -

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thank you, Sarah

Post #1 for Joe Sixpack American (JSA) is dedicated to the Pitbull with Lipstick...Sarah Palin.

Our country was not designed to have career politicians. On the other hand, having political experience is really a good thing for a President.

MSM (that's "Mainstream Media" - though not exactly mainstream) hates the fact that Sarah Palin is a Governor. It doesn't matter how big or small the state is, the bottom line is that she is a Governor. Two years of experience as a Governor (of any state) trumps two years as a Senator. Like it or not, that's a fact.

Governor = CEO of a state. Based on what Palin has accomplished as Governor of Alaska, JSA would recommend a promotion to V.P. of the U.S.A. She stands up for the people, stands up to bullies and does it with a smile. She's ready.

Senator = Middle Management of a country. Based on what B. Hussein Obama has accomplished as a Senator, JSA would recommend he gets fired and pursue a job as a Democratic fundraiser. He's good at that...but he's not ready to lead.

My fellow Americans, please be smart and elect McCain/Palin as President/Vice President next month. John McCain has unquestionably proved his commitment to the U.S. Sarah Palin has done the same. She took advantage of living in the Land of Opportunity by experiencing life, raising a family and getting involved in politics when the time became right.

It is probably safe to say that Sarah Palin did not set out to become Vice President of the United States of America. Generally speaking, people who pursue that level of a position are "groomed" and incredibly well-connected. Sarah doesn't fit that mold. She doesn't want to. She simply got recognized in Alaska for doing a great job as Mayor of Wasilla. As a result, the folks back home gave her a promotion - to Governor. Now, because of her hard work and commitment to no-nonsense politics, she may get another promotion - to Vice President.

Remember Mr. Smith Goes To Washington? Yes, it was a movie and he was just a character in it, but that passion about making a difference is what drives someone like Sarah Palin. What is evident and indisputable is that she worked hard for the American people in Alaska...and succeeded. She took on her own party's corruption...and won. She took on big oil...and won. She then gave back to Alaskans...and has the highest approval rating of any Governor - 80%. Now she and John McCain are taking on B. Hussein Obama...and hopefully they will win.

If you wonder whether the single vote of Joe Sixpack American makes a difference...look at how the $700 billion bailout plan struggled to pass. Smart Americans saw how the original version of this was a bad thing for JSA. As a result, Joe Sixpack Americans just like you got on the phone and called their State Representatives and their Senators and told them they do NOT support the bailout. There are better ways of fixing what's going on.

The Democrats just want to socialize/nationalize things and that is not good for Joe Sixpack American. Dave Ramsey ( had a great proposed solution that your congressmen/women and Senators should have been looking at as an alternative. At this writing, the bailout was passed about 17 minutes ago and had a lot more pages added to the original version. Lots of changes, compromise, etc. Who knows yet what the final version looks like and how it will affect Joe Sixpack American. We will let you know what we learn about it and you can call your representatives and let them know whether you'll be voting for them again or not.

Our message to all Joe/Jane Sixpack Americans - VOTE & Speak Up!

House of Representatives - to

Senate -

This site is the voice for Joe Sixpack American. We know what it takes to be a hard-working American because that's what we are. We believe it's time for more Americans to speak up against politicians who we elect but manage to forget that once in office.

Joe Sixpack American is watching you and we have a voice.

When we see politicians voting in favor of JSA, we'll let you know who they are.

When we see politicians voting against JSA, we're going to call them out by name and encourage you to do the same.

Check out the Joe Sixpack American store at for t-shirts, hats & bumper stickers. Also, please support our advertisers by visiting their sites and their businesses.