Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Contact info at Warner Bros. to support Prisoner of War movie

This post addresses not just the election, but our country's POW's.

Warner Brothers has decided to delay the release of a P.O.W. movie supportive...even sympathetic of prisoners of war to avoid "electioneering".

The prisoners of war movie promotion includes...wait for interview with John McCain.

Hollywood is scared that the slightest thing they might do could help John McCain. So they are hiding behind the "high road" by waiting until after the election.

"It's just us trying to be cautious and not affect the election one way or the other," said Ronnee Sass, a spokeswoman for the studio's home entertainment division.

Here are the contacts in the Home Video division at Warner Bros. Tell them to release the movie now!

Ronnee Sass -

Emily Zalenski -

Melissa Hufjay -

Put the pressure on and encourage WB to have some courage in supporting our POWs!

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