Monday, October 27, 2008

Another late night score for Drudge

You've got to love how Matt Drudge digs it up right near the 11th hour, and seemingly always in the middle of the night.

2001 - Barry Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama says in a radio interview that one of the tragedies of the civil rights movement was that they lost track of some of the community organizing on the ground didn't put together and legislate "redistribution of wealth."

2001 - Obama showed his true color as a Socialist! He says that redistribution needs to be legislated as opposed to being brought through the courts. Gosh, as President (still don't buy it that he's a U.S. citizen), he'd be able to legislate to his Socialists heart's content.

Also said ...three of us (Obama, a radio host and a listener who called in) could come up with a rationale for brining about economic change through the courts. This guy thinks that between himself, a radio show and a caller that they could strategize a full economic makeover of the United States of America!!!

Stop this Socialist from becoming our next President!

His "change" should disturb every American citizen to their core.

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