Saturday, November 1, 2008

Somebody buy Obama a new shovel (because he just keeps digging a deeper hole...)

So Barack Obama did not know that his aunt, a campaign donor who attended his Senate confirmation, was living in the United States illegally for the past four years (an immigration judge rejected her request for asylum and ordered her to leave the country in 2004). Obama campaign officials declared today (per that "they did not assist her in getting a tourist visa and had not known that she was living in America." Really? The woman's nephew is about to be the most powerful man in the world, and she hasn't sent so much as a birthday or Christmas card? Are we to believe he didn't even know that she lived in the same country? I don't know about you, but I have numerous family members that I don't know well, or have rarely seen. But I do know what country they are all living in.

Obama's advisor David Axelrod said, “The American people are pretty sensible and I think they are pretty suspicious of things that are dumped in the marketplace 72 hours before a campaign, so I am not concerned about that.”

Well you're right David... The American people ARE pretty sensible. And we're not buying this denial. It's just another bullet-point on a very long, long list.

Acorn, Aunt, Ayers.... And those are just the A's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right about the American people not buying it. I think McCain got on his game a little too late to make up the ground war. That was an offensive that O. had already locked down pretty well. Hey - at least we can start ousting some of these idiots in a couple years, right!?