Saturday, November 8, 2008

B.O.'s First 100 Hours

Camp O was initially failing to pay its campaign workers, then when they began to get paid, those same workers did not receive their full wages. Some saw their checks cut in as much as half, while most were paid about 25-40% less than they were told they would receive.

After having just stated that he's met with all the living Presidents, Obama managed to blank on their names...except Clinton.

He takes a completely uncalled for shot at Nancy Reagan for having seances (not that I'm condoning those seances), then publicly apologizes.

Says he won't comment on whether he was surprised after receiving his first national security briefing...which is code for "Yes, and holy crap! What have I gotten myself into?" (I bet the state of our national security was better than he arrogantly thought it was)

He is publicly shunning Fox News Channel by answering questions from all networks but Fox. Not sure if that makes him a chicken or just a punk! I'm going to go with a bit of both.

O has now seen the worst post-election Stock Market plunge for any incoming President.

Wow. What a disappointing first 100 hours. I hate to see what his first 100 days are going to look like if this is his warm-up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're in for a roller coaster ride, but I don't see where it starts going up!