Saturday, November 29, 2008

Palin Power still Packs a Punch

When was the election? Yes, weeks ago. In the time since, B.O. has only just passed Sarah, bumping her down to the #4 spot on Lycos weekly list of the Top 50 searches online.

What this likely evidences is that either the RNC got their pick totally wrong for the top of the ticket - or they have a really huge game plan for the next 4 years. Er...2 years, if you count how B.O. likely plans to campaign.

Politico covers the top internet rankings Sarah Palin has been garnering, including the only politician in Yahoo's Top 20 (she got the #4 spot there as well).

Detractors who slammed Palin as the reason for the GOP loss didn't get it right. With the enormous interest people have taken in her, it may be safer to say that she was the reason the election was not a completely lopsided loss and that conservatives actually have someone they can get behind a la Reagan.

Sarah in 2012!

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