Thursday, October 13, 2011

Word of the Day for Thursday, October 13, 2011

flaxen \FLAK-suhn\, adjective:

1. Of the pale yellowish color of dressed flax or linen.

2. Resembling flax.

3. Pertaining to flax.

4. Made of flax.

I wonder if the B.O. will be trading out his male flaxen haired V.P. for a female flaxen haired replacement?

--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

The man with the flaxen beard rushed across to tell him and then hurried out by the archway.-- H.G. Wells, When the Sleeper Wakes

From it there descended two men - one flaxen haired and tall, and the other dark haired and of slighter build.-- Nikolai Gogol, Dead Souls

Flaxen, related to flax, is probably from Proto-Germanic base fleh-, meaning "to weave, plait."

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