Friday, January 23, 2009

Silence of the (Conservative) Lambs

It is unbelievable how much the B.O. is so openly attempting to shut down any opposition to him. First there was the shutting down of the Politico reporter earlier today when the reporter asked him a couple of hardball questions.

Then in a statement to Republicans on Capitol Hill today he told them who they should not be listening to! The B.O. stated “that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration. You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done."

Just where does he get off telling anyone who they should or should not listen to? He has become arrogant to unparalleled levels, and in such a short time, just a mere 2.5 days. I can only imagine his arrogance in 4 years.

So who wants to get along with Democrats, anyway? “Getting Along” simply is code for “It’s our way or the highway”. The Democrats don’t want to get along with anyone that doesn’t go along with their New Socialist Government Order (NSGO).

When challenged again, this time by Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Arizona) regarding the president's proposal to increase benefits for low-income workers who don't owe federal income taxes, the B.O. stated that “I won. I will trump you on that.”

True bi-partisan politics simply do not exist anymore, and certainly not between true Conservatives and Democrats/Liberals/Socialists of the NSGO ilk!

If the true Conservatives in Congress continue with their deafening silence, they will get eaten alive by the B.O. and his crew. It will indeed be the Silence of the (Conservative) Lambs.

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