Sunday, January 11, 2009

Global Warming...err....Cooling. Yeah, that's what it is. Global Cooling

This amusing headline at the top of Drudge Report today shows just how 'accurate' the global warming cultists are. I'll also be quick to go on record with saying that I don't buy into all that the Russians would write about either, but this is not the first person to say we're entering a time of global cooling.

So, are we warming up...or cooling off? Neither! The climate, unaltered by man, will continue as it has for thousands (yes, thousands - not millions) of years. It will swing a little this way, then a little that way and the arrogance of some will cause them to think that we (mankind) actually have the ability to alter the climate of a planet.

Follow the basic logic. Ford, Chevy and others start building cars. A lot of them. Pretty soon, there are people all over the world driving cars that use a natural resource to get around. All those people driving cars in the United States of America caused a tragic tsunami in another country halfway around the world. This proves that the construction and use of cars over a 100 year period has managed to have an ill effect on the planet to the point that we're going to warm ourselves up into oblivion. Oh, wait. I mean, to the point that we're going to freeze to death in an ice age.


Exactly. It doesn't make sense to us either. This post is not the one to address the differing opinion on creation versus evolution. However, I will take a pot-shot at those who subscribe to evolution for a moment as I'm on that particular track with alleged 'global warming.'

Somehow, the Cult of Global Warming believes that what we have done in the last 100 years (plus or minus) would have a dramatically ill effect on a planet that has been around (in your inaccurate opinion) for millions if not billions of years.

Even if you subscribe to the idea of evolution (even the one where you believe in God and that God's 'day' could represent millions of years), the concept that driving cars and the Industrial Revolution could somehow really affect the climate is so arrogant that it's beyond laughable.

Now, for everyone who believes in an actual seven-day creation of the world and that we've been around for a 10-20 thousand years (who knows exactly) - it is still stupidly arrogant to think that what we've done in about 100 years would actually affect the climate of a planet. An entire planet! Seriously.

Frankly, to say that we can affect the climate is probably more nonsensical than anything previously presented as 'scientific truth.' It makes as much sense as saying that a teenager in Los Angeles listened to a song on an iPod so loud that it gave a man in the Sahara Desert permanent hearing damage.

So, after a few short years and some 'inconvenient truths' being told, we have somehow reversed the effects of global warming to the point that now we're going to be faced with global cooling.



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