Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Which version of history judges a President?

I love Laura Bush. I think she's great.While I would agree with her that history will judge George W. Bush's Presidency, I'm afraid that it won't be judged the way it ought to be. See, the problem is the NEA (National Education Association - http://www.nea.org/) and it's liberal leanings with educating children in the public school system.

Yes, there will be political books written that will most certainly favor President Bush and the job he has done (in spite of a bunch of liberal whack-jobs in Congress). Unfortunately, the books that will be shoved down the throats of children in school (K-12) and college (can you say liberal professors?) are going to have a decidedly liberal slant to them.

Then you get to couple that with liberal news media outlets (CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS) where far too many people are exposed to a one-sided argument about who's really to blame for the problems in America.

What you end up with is a generation being brainwashed to think in support of leftist, socialist agendas that only foster government dependency.

History judging President Bush fairly...not so likely to happen. He's not perfect, but I'm sure thrilled we've had him as opposed to Al "the bore" Gore or John "flip flop" Kerry. I can't imagine how either one of those pansies would have handled 9/11.

Mr. President, as of this writing you have about 21 days left in office. It's been a pleasure having you as our leader. I do hope history appropriately gives you credit for what you have done as President. Thank you.

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