Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The American Idol Presidency

While generally I love hitting Drudge, it seems a bit too tabloidish today. Unfortunately, it is likely more a reflection of our culture right now - Image over Substance.

The far right column on Drudge shows a poll that addresses the better looking world leader with the best abs - Obama vs. Putin.

Clearly no one is interested in talking about the abuse of power and oppression of people in Russia or the Socialist agenda that Obama is brining full-tilt to the U.S.

We'd rather talk about who looks better at the beach with their shirt off.

Rational, thinking Americans vehemently disagree with Obama's (incoming) policies. However, the majority of the country voted into office a guy they think looks good on a People magazine cover instead of voting for people who act in their general best interests.

We're about to get what we asked for. In parental terms, I suppose the next four years will qualify as "tough love." Hopefully the lemmings that voted for a magazine cover President will learn how bad a decision that really is.

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