Word of the Day for Thursday, December 22, 2011
calvous \KAL-vuhs\, adjective:
Lacking all or most of the hair on the head; bald.
As the B.O. was enjoying reruns of his favorite speeches that he had given in the past, his rather odd looking and calvous Executive Officer came rushing into his quarters. "Your Eminence," Carville decried, "there is a, um, 'situation' that requires your immediate attention on the main deck." "Out with it, man, what's the problem that you can't just speak it outright? Why must you always talk like a Democrat? Oh, wait, never mind. Anyway, what's so urgent?" the B.O. rejoined. "Oh, your Highness, you must come and see for yourself. It is not good." And with that, the B.O. rushed out of his room and down to the main deck of the ObamaStar to see for himself just what in the name of the Almighty B.O. was happening!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
The wit's voluminous neckerchief unraveled and slipped to the mold, and the spangled silver wig fell from the telltale calvous head.-- D. M. Cornish, Lamplighter
Admittedly most old, bloated, calvous Germans could double for me, and even if he hadn't been doppelganger material, with the beard I had started growing and the two black eyes, you'd need x-rays to spot the difference.-- Tibor Fischer, The Thought Gang
Calvous is derived from the Latin word calvus which meant simply “bald.”
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