Word of the Day for Monday, December 5, 2011
frondescence \fron-DES-uhns\, noun:
1. Leafage; foliage.
2. The process or period of putting forth leaves, as a tree, plant, or the like.
While on his most recent 17 day vacation in Hawaii, the B.O. was strolling through the abundant frondescence of the rain forest high above Oahu where he was overheard saying, "Alright, we finally got Cain out of our hair thanks to some amazing character assassination by our operatives; those idiot Americans will believe anything if you make it sound plausible; now let's see, we need to start working harder on Romney and Gingrich; Faheem, contact our bootlickers over at CBS and get a couple of hit pieces on them; don't worry about the cost or the sources; remember, we have a billion dollars to spend and plenty of sycophants and useful idiots on staff there, just make it sound good; oh, and don't use the same group over there that did the Bush hit piece; they're damaged goods now and we have to make it sound credible!"
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
What we found were three hundred pristine, mostly level acres with a forty-five-acre pond, completely undeveloped, covered with exquisite wildflowers and frondescence.-- Paul Newman, In Pursuit of the Common Good
I now become aware of the sound of rumbling water, emanating from somewhere inside the rain forest next to my tropical rest stop. I approach the wet and abundant frondescence of the forest.-- Richard Wyatt, Fathers of Myth
Frondescence is from the Latin root frondēre meaning “to have leaves.” It is clearly related to frond meaning “leaves.”
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