Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Word of the Day for Wednesday, May 4, 2011

bushwhack \BOOSH-hwak\, verb:

1. To defeat, especially by surprise or in an underhanded way.

2. To make one's way through woods by cutting at undergrowth, branches, etc.

3. To travel through woods.

4. To pull a boat upstream from on board by grasping bushes, rocks, etc., on the shore.

5. To fight as a bushwhacker or guerrilla in the bush.

With the House of Representatives now being held by the Republicans, the B.O. and his politburo are no longer able to bushwhack the Republicans and get garbage legislation through like ObamaCare!

--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

"I don't think nobody would bushwhack a wagon full of orange trees."-- Patrick D. Smith, A Land Remembered: Volume 1

Back in the old days, said Blevins, this'd be just the place where Comanches'd lay for you and bushwhack you.-- Cormac McCarthy , All the pretty horses

Bushwhack is a backformation from the Dutch bosch-wachter, "forest-keeper," which, during the American Civil War was adopted as bushwhacker to describe patriot guerillas or freebooters.

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