Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Buggy Whip Revitalization Act

The Buggy Whip Revitalization Act, also currently known as the Newspaper Revitalization Act, is a pathetic attempt by the left to bolster up yet another failing and outmoded industry. Senator Benjamin Cardin from Maryland has put forth legislation that would help to "save" the newspaper industry.

Oh, but there would be stipulations - they would be prohibited from making political endorsements. They could continue to do their non-biased "reporting" of political campaigns and accept contributions, but no endorsements. Right!

Does anyone truly believe the National Public Radio is a non-biased, fair and balanced media outlet? Does anyone believe that they don't slant their whole radio programming and news reporting to the far left? I am guessing that anyone honest with themselves would say no, but that is exactly what Senator Cardin would have you believe.

If individual newspapers can't survive, then they need to be allowed a dignified death. They should not be put on a life support system paid for by the American taxpayers that will keep them artificially alive.

Frankly, that goes for every business that is out there - if their business model has failed, then they need to fail. But not to worry, if a true void has been created by the demise of a business, then that void will be filled. If there is a good business opportunity out there, some enterprising people will find a way to make it work.

However, if it is not worth the effort then it should be left to pass on to the graveyard of once good but now obsolete ideas, like the buggy whip companies of yore!

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