Monday, February 9, 2009

Coming Soon: U.S.S.A.

If you feel like what you see, hear and read in the press these days is moving our great country to resemble a communist state similar to Russia or Venezuela - you're not the only one.

Republican Governor of South Carolina Mark Sanford is going on record as saying as much.

The "Big Bailout" is moving - at light speed it would seem - our country away from a market-based economy to one where the government bails your stupid butt out for bad business decisions and no consequences for it.

B.O. and the Dems are pushing right down party lines (so much for "non-partisan politics") to get the "stimulus" approved. They (the Dems) keep callin it 'the solution' for our country and that the longer it takes to pass it, the more dangerous place we will be in financially.


Let's go into debt, lots of debt, and that debt will pull us out of debt. Have you ever seen a family do that? The result is generally bankruptcy, isn't it? (that...was rhetorical) It is a solution. There is no question about that. The question no one seems to be asking is what is it the solution to? Answer - what it will take to create (as Gov. Sanford so eloquently phrased) a savior-based economy?

The other question it answers is what will it take to finally prove Karl Marx and create an environment for the U.S.A. to fall and become a Socialist nation? If you are not old enough, or educated enough to know about all of that Karl Marx talk, then I suggest you inquire about it with your parents or grandparents. There was a time when we acted like a smart country and the fabric of our country not only ran diametrically opposed to the ideals of someone like Karl Marx - we were intentional about doing things opposed to those philosophies.

If you want more on this, leave a comment and/or email us and one of the team will follow up and email you some more links on this subject.

1 comment:

Spy Maker said...

Obama needs to take a class called Bankruptcy 101. You are right on in your analysis of what happens to people when they over spend. The Dems are unbelievable!