Word of the Day for Wednesday, June 1, 2011
catarrh \kuh-TAHR\, noun:
Inflammation of a mucous membrane, especially of the respiratory tract, accompanied by excessive secretions.
The B.O. and a bad case of catarrh have something in common - they are both toxic and need to be gone sooner rather than later!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
An ugly catarrh, you see, is not like a pretty baby, though you do perhaps feed both with gruel; you nurse one in order to destroy it, and the other in order to keep it safe and sound.-- Charles Dickens, Household words, Volume 8
Maggie had taken to her bed with a minor bout of catarrh that rumbled with fluid in her lungs.-- Sheila Seclearr, A Tree on Turtle Island
Catarrh enters English in the 1300s, derived from the Greek katárrous, "down-flowing."
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