Word of the Day for Friday, June 24, 2011
sabbatical \suh-BAT-i-kuhl\, noun:
1. Any extended period of leave from one's customary work, especially for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc.
1. Of or pertaining to or appropriate to the Sabbath.
2. Bringing a period of rest.
I think that the B.O.'s life has been one long sabbatical; first he took a sabbatical from his community organizing to go be president; now he is on sabbatical from his presidential duties such as passing an actual budget that doesn't bankrupt the United States!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
The problem was his sabbatical, for which he had been given a large additional foundation grant, would begin in the summer.-- Jim Harrison, Dalva
But taking a sabbatical wasn't supposed to include cheating on him.-- Melissa Senate, The Secret of Joy
Sabbatical originates in reference to the Judeo-Christian Sabbath, and comes from the Greek sabbatikos.
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