Word of the Day for Monday, June 13, 2011
cosher \KOSH-er\, verb:
To treat with special fondness.
The B.O. has a propensity to cosher the hard core socialists!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Skinny Guts was rarely known to shell out his money for tucker when there were clan members at hand to cosher himself upon.-- Miles Franklin, Ten Creeks Run: a tale of the horse and cattle stations of the Murrumbidgee
"The poor Irish peasantry," writes Prendergast, "with a generosity characteristic of their race and country, never refused hospitality to the dispossessed owners, but maintained them as gentlemen; allowing them to cosher upon them, as the Irish called the giving their lord a certain number of days' board and lodging."-- John O'Hart, Irish pedigrees, or, The origin and stem of the Irish nation
Cosher is a phonetic spelling of the Irish coisir, "feast, entertainment."
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