Word of the Day for Tuesday, May 24, 2011
prink \PRINGK\, transitive verb:
1. To dress up; to deck for show.
intransitive verb:
1. To dress or arrange oneself for show; to primp.
The B.O. had prinked appropriately for his moment with the Queen of England, and as he raised his glass to make a toast, like the rest of his pathetic presidency, he muffed it!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Tara has supermodel legs and is already getting used to being prinked and coiffed as she prepares for her first beauty contest in the autumn.-- Raffaella Barker, "Diary hatched, matched and almost despatched", Daily Telegraph, September 6, 1997
The point is reinforced by a clutch of contemporary art photos . . . showing plump nudes prinking and preening like pouter pigeons, and, in one case, a couple of dancers deliberately posed to recreate a Degas painting.-- Hilary Spurling, Daily Telegraph, January 23, 1999
Prink is probably an alteration of prank, from Middle English pranken, "to show off," perhaps from Middle Dutch pronken, "to adorn oneself," and from Middle Low German prunken (from prank, "display").
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