Monday, May 2, 2011

Word of the Day for Monday, May 2, 2011

dandle \DAN-dl\, verb:

1. To move (a baby, child, etc.) lightly up and down, as on one's knee or in one's arms.

2. To pet; pamper.

There are those that even though the B.O. has produced his alleged birth certificate contend that the copy that he produced is, like the origin of the word dandle, of unknown origin!

--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

If you have a child, dandle him or her on your knee while singing a happy song.-- Dean R. Koontz, Cold Fire

It may be thought that my desire to be a mother-in-law has, perhaps, something to do with my wish to dandle a grandchild on my knee before I am too arthritic even to dandle.-- Caledonia Kearns , Motherland: Writings By Irish American Woman About Mothers and Daughters

Dandle is first recorded in the 1500s, but is of unknown origin.

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