Word of the Day for Monday, May 9, 2011
splenetic \spli-NET-ik\, adjective:
1. Irritable; peevish; spiteful.
2. Of the spleen.
3. Archaic: Affected with, characterized by, or tending to produce melancholy.
The B.O. always seem to get a bit splenetic after he has to make a difficult decision - like taking down OBL!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
"I perceive, my dear sir, that I am at intervals for indulging this splenetic manner, and following my own tusto regardless of yours."-- Oliver Goldsmith, Miscellaneous Works
The true splenetic arts are not acquired in a day."-- James Ballantyne, Ballantyne's Novelist's Library
Splenetic comes from the Late Latin spleneticus, "of the spleen." In medieval physiology the spleen was considered the seat of morose feelings and bad temper.
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