Word of the Day for Tuesday, December 23, 2008
macrobiotic \mak-roh-bahy-OT-ik\, adjective:
of or having to do with macrobiotics, a dietary system derived from Zen Buddhism and purported to prolong life
of or having to do with macrobiotics, a dietary system derived from Zen Buddhism and purported to prolong life
It would appear that B.O. the beefcake is feeding on a diet of macrobiotic stuff, followed by heaping bowls of socialism for desert!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1797, from German Makrobiotik, from Greek makrobiotikos "long-lived" from makros "long" + bios "life."
by 1797, from German Makrobiotik, from Greek makrobiotikos "long-lived" from makros "long" + bios "life."
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