Word of the Day for Monday, December 8, 2008
sepulcher \SEP-uhl-kuhr\, noun:
1. a burial place; tomb
2. a structure or niche in a church in which sacred relics are deposited on Good Friday and removed on Easter
In the year 2525 archaeologists discovered a sepulcher in which several mysterious artifacts were found, one of which was an original Kenyan birth certificate of a president from the United States of America that was curiously referred to as "the B.O."!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
c.1200, "tomb, burial place," especially in reference to the cave where Jesus was buried outside Jerusalem (Holy Sepulcher or Saint Sepulcher), from Old French sepulcre (11th century), from Latin sepulcrum "grave, tomb," from root of sepelire "to bury," originally "to perform rituals on a corpse."
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