Tuesday, December 2, 2008

No Coherent Plan for the Bailout

A recent post here on JSA was on the lacking accountability of Congress through the flimsy TARP. TARP is flimsy largely because, as the Chairperson of the oversight panel said, there is no veto power. The TARP panel's influence "goes beyond a bully pulpit" but no ability to veto Congress' actions. All TARP created was a warm and fuzzy blanket to make people feel good about supposed oversight and ultimately - no accountability for the $700 Billion in spending.

Now, according to one of the Bailout monitors, "the government still does not seem to have a coherent strategy for easing the financial crisis, despite the billions it has already spent in that effort." Keep in mind, this person, Elizabeth Warren, is the Chairperson of the oversight panel.

What this should prove to all you liberals is that it isn't just the conservative side of the fence questioning what is going on. Someone involved is questioning what Congress is doing with our money...your money.

Call your Congressmen/women and demand that they act with fiscal responsibility. The way they are running this "bailout" so far is not good for Joe Sixpack Americans like you!



Call today! Let your voice be heard!

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