Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Word of the Day for Wednesday, November 16, 2011

opuscule \oh-PUHS-kyool\, noun:

1. A small or minor work.

2. A literary or musical work of small size.

The actual intellectual value and honesty of all of the B.O.'s collective writings would be both minuscule an opuscule!

--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

Little by little, with patience and luck and the progressive sharpening of my predatory eye, I found one or another opuscule of his in my used book stores in Oxford and London.-- Javier MarĂ­as, Dark Back of Time

The guide, a mere opuscule of ten pages, is entitled 'The Great Sepulture of the Cappuccini', and is well worth the hundred lire one pays for it.-- Jocelyn Brooke, The Dog at Clambercrown

Opuscule is from the Latin roots opus meaning “word” and cule which is a suffix that implies a diminutive version, as in molecule and fascicle.

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