Word of the Day for Monday, November 28, 2011
panegyrize \PAN-i-juh-rahyz\, verb:
1. To eulogize; to deliver or write a panegyric about.
2. To indulge in panegyric; bestow praises.
I would guess that the B.O. and the rest of his politburo will be the only ones to panegyrize Barney Frank upon his long overdue departure from the House of Representatives!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
I allowed then as how I had been moved to panegyrize Lieutenant Locke.-- Louis Bayard, The Pale Blue Eye
Judge Story was a profound admirer of Chief Justice Marshall, and could rarely hear his name mentioned without digressing to panegyrize his learning and intellectual power.-- William Matthews, Hours with Men and Books
From Greek, panegyrize originally meant “belonging to a public assembly” from pan meaning “all” and egyris, “gathering.”
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