Word of the Day for Wednesday, October 12, 2011
etiology \ee-tee-OL-uh-jee\, noun:
1. In Pathology the study of the causes of diseases.
2. Any study of causes, causation, or causality, as in philosophy, biology, or physics.
Here is the etiology of today's political mess: Eve ate the apple, evil was established on earth, progressives began their movement, an electorate consisting of simpletons, cretins, and self absorbed journalists votes the B.O. into office; and there you go!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
The etiology of desire is often a muddled search; we insert meaning into the accidental brush of a hand, or in the fleeting sidelong glance of our coveted.-- Micah Nathan, Gods of Aberdeen
For present purposes, this work is significant for one reason alone: it is typical of the interpretative battle that raged throughout the nineteenth century which sought to provide an etiology of evil.-- Joris-Karl Huysmans, The Damned
Etiology is from the Greek aitiologĂa, determining the cause of something, equivalent to aitĂ cause and logia study.
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