Word of the Day for Thursday, October 6, 2011
druthers \DRUHTH-erz\, noun:
One's own way, choice, or preference.
And if I had my druthers, I'd druther the B.O. repeal ObamaCare, eliminate or massively downsize most government agencies like the EPA, and then immediately resign from office; now that would be a real jobs program!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
"You mean if I had my druthers? Why, if I had my druthers I'd druther eat speckledly gravy," Dove assured him.-- Nelson Algren, A Walk on the Wild Side
"Like I say, I think George would go right on living in the house if he had his druthers," Judy Diment said.-- Stephen King, Everything's Eventual
Druthers comes from a jocular American English formation of the phrase "I'd ruther" meaning "I'd rather."
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