Word of the Day for Wednesday, February 3, 2010
aubade \oh-BAHD\, noun:
aubade \oh-BAHD\, noun:
A song or poem greeting the dawn; also, a composition suggestive of morning.
A song or poem greeting the dawn; also, a composition suggestive of morning.
An aubade to the B.O. to be proclaimed far and wide on the morning of November 3, 2010:
Oh sweet victory, sweet victory
The conservatives have made history.
The Democrats have lost their power,
On this, the Republicans' finest hour!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Aubade comes from the French, from aube, dawn + the noun suffix -ade: aube ultimately derives from Latin albus, white, pale, as in "alba lux," the "pale light" of dawn.
Aubade comes from the French, from aube, dawn + the noun suffix -ade: aube ultimately derives from Latin albus, white, pale, as in "alba lux," the "pale light" of dawn.
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