Word of the Day for Thursday, February 11, 2010
coquetry \KOH-ki-tree; koh-KE-tree\, noun:
coquetry \KOH-ki-tree; koh-KE-tree\, noun:
Dalliance; flirtation.
Dalliance; flirtation.
The B.O. has more than a bit of coquetry going on between him and socialism, it is an outright love affair!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Coquetry, French coquetterie, is from coquette, the feminine form of French coquet, "flirtatious man," diminutive of coq, "rooster, cock." The adjective form is coquettish. The verb coquet (also coquette) means "to flirt or trifle with."
Coquetry, French coquetterie, is from coquette, the feminine form of French coquet, "flirtatious man," diminutive of coq, "rooster, cock." The adjective form is coquettish. The verb coquet (also coquette) means "to flirt or trifle with."
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