Word of the Day for Monday, November 17, 2008
adulterate \uh-DUHL-tuh-rayt\, verb:
1. to add an inferior, impure, or improper substance to; lower the quality or purity of a food or other substance without greatly altering the appearance; corrupt
1. to add an inferior, impure, or improper substance to; lower the quality or purity of a food or other substance without greatly altering the appearance; corrupt
2. debased by adulteration; adulterated
It will be dysphoricly interesting to observe how much B.O. will attempt to adulterate the conservative fabric of the American Society over the next four years.
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1505, from Latin adulterationem, from adulteratus, pp. of adulterare "corrupt, debauch," from ad- "to" + Late Latin alterare "to alter"
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