Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And that's the ballgame (for the next couple of years)

So there it is. We have elected a new President.

Love him or hate him, he's our new President. Personally, I couldn't be less of a fan of B.O. I've always believed that B.O. stinks. No clever packaging can cover the stink of B.O. It's still there lurking beneath, stinking. Telling me it's "change" doesn't convince me that it's still not going to stink. B.O. stinks. Period.

We have an interesting time in our history. The Senator with the most liberal record and the least amount of experience has been elected to our highest office. That alone may be a study for the ages - but I'll leave that to someone else to work on.

Tomorrow, the morning shows will all be talking about what happened. Talk radio will have its airwaves slammed with phone calls from people on both sides of the aisle. No matter who you voted for, you'll return to your job tomorrow where you work hard to provide for your family. You will drive the kids in your minivans and SUVs to daycare and school. You'll stop by your favorite morning spot for a hot cup of coffee and, depending on your baristas political leaning and your own, you'll either offer a celebratory toast or move on about your business and finish heading to work. You may work in a cubicle, drive around the city as an outside sales person or serve the public in some way. Some of you will "cry" with friends, others will feel elated about the change.

If you wanted change - you're getting it. The reality is that you were going to get change no matter what. Too many people who voted for "change" don't know enough about the history of Obama and his politics, his associates and all that shapes his perspective. They were the recipients of a marketing campaign who bought the product much like the latest pop-star to hit the scene. It's a dangerous way to handle American politics.

People don't know who they elected. For crying out loud, the guy was in office as a Senator for only 143 days when he decided to run for President. But now, thanks to our Founding Fathers, we have President #44 and a Democratic/Liberal majority in the House and Senate. Sadly, JoeSixpackAmerican believes that some frustrating times are in store for Americans because they did not fully investigate the candidate and will now pay the price with this liberal, socialist, marxist majority.

However, is not going to sit back and take it!

JoeSixpackAmerican is going to do whatever we can to point out how this liberal majority is not acting in the best interests of Joe Sixpack American. We will also do whatever we can to point out when anyone of any party affiliation acts in favor of conservative politics and policies.

We will give you contact information on Senators and State Reps when we think it warrants calling them out or thanking them. As citizens of this great Republic it is your duty as an American to make your voice heard. At last count (as of this writing) over 98 million people voted in this election.

Every vote counted is another voice heard. But you can be even more impactful by keeping your voice heard all year long, not just around the big elections. Rise up. Make sure your voice is heard year-round. Encourage those that think like you to do the same. Educate the fence-sitters about what you believe and why. Encourage people who want to make a conservative difference in politics. Support them through word-of-mouth. Support them financially. Support them by voting. is a conservative watchdog - watching the liberals, the conservatives and everyone in between. Call out your elected officials when they don't act in favor of your best interests and thank them when they do.

And please tell your friends to visit

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