Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Stinky Wings Airlines

Come fly on Stinky Wings Airlines. We'll put you on the plane, give you a seat, but we're not cleaning up after you...or us. In fact, we're not going to be very accomodating about much of anything because we here at Stinky Wings Airlines have an entitlement mindset: "We're entitled to the change we want and we're going to take it any way we can." We'll make you wait needlessly for fake security reasons. We're not going to give you flight itineraries, enough time to do your job as reporters or anything that might make doing your job of flattering us any easier. We're actually going to make your job very unpleasant - but hey, that's why they call us Stinky Wings Airlines. Tell your friends...but you have to do it in less than 20 minutes. Hurry up, would you!

Unfortunately, this is not a phony ad about a fake airline. It is the real perspective of a CBS News reporter who has spent time with both Presidential candidates.

My friends in marketing say the same thing - when establishing a brand, the experience one has with it can ulitimately determine its success...or eventual failure. Obama's Stinky Wings Airlines is giving him an image that is going to bring his brand down faster than Enron.

The reporter shared his comments of B. Hussein Obama's plane, and they were...significantly less than flattering. Staff treated press groups rudely, the entire plane was not clean, it smelled, the press were put in "hurry up and wait" mode for completely unfounded reasons.

On the other hand (yes, this is where you breathe a full, deep breathe of happiness), the experience of those same people on John McCain's plane was totally different. The plane was clean and comfortable. If the press corps was ever rushed and asked for a bit more time to do their job, it was given to them...wait for it...with a good attitude!

Joe Sixpack American wouldn't fly Stinky Wings Airlines (Obama)...and neither should you.

Sounds like Stinky Wings Airlines needs to be grounded...permanently.

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