Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber - Part Deux

Fox News and other outlets have recently covered more on Joe the Plumber.

Allegedly, he owes almost $1200 in back taxes. What I haven't seen yet is what year that is from. Regardless - that's irrelevant. Besides, Joe's not running for office!

A friend of Joe Sixpack American was disputing tens of thousands in "back taxes" with the IRS. Not only did this person not owe that much, he ended up getting a refund from that year. What no one knows is how much he's making currently, whether or not he is disputing the back tax amount. You know what? It's nobody's business but Joe's! Do not judge Joe the Plumber unless you know (as Paul Harvey would put it) the rest...of the story.

What Joe the Plumber from OH represents is Joe Sixpack American, the guy who is busting his tail to better his family's situation. (remember that whole "American dream" thing?)

Joe the Plumber, like many hard-working Americans, is at a touchy place with taxes. Can you blame him? The idea of having to pay even more, should he get in position to buy the business, infuriates him. How anyone can be surprised at this is monumentally astounding!

Mainstream Media outlets are now working to slander and discredit Joe the Plumber.


Simple. It becomes a distraction for Obama from the SOCIALIST comment that he made.

"Spread the wealth around" is what Obama said to Joe the Plumber. That...IS...Socialism - and that is not something that supports Joe the Plumber or Joe Sixpack American!

I hope his appearance on FNC more than covers his back taxes and the money he needs to buy Newell Plumbing and Heating up there in Holland, OH. I'm sure that would just make Obama highly aggitated. Talk about giving Joe the Plumber a bully pulpit.

Then I hope he gets a great lawyer (Mr. Murdoch's hopefully) and slams all the liberal media outlets with a defamation of character lawsuit...and wins! High time someone is able to stand up to them that is completely representative of Joe Sixpack American.

Whatever happens with Joe the Plumber and his tax situation and his goal of buying a business, we may never know. But, he has certainly done something that many on the Republican side of the fence could not do this entire campaign. He got Obama to say what type of economic belief system he subscribes to. Obama, disturbingly, thinks distribution of wealth (Socialism) is the ticket.

Obama - not for Joe Sixpack American.

Vote for McCain/Palin 2008!

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