Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy Fiscal Cliff New Year

Common sense.  Two frequently used words.  Yet, ironically, common sense is not used by a lot of people.  This couldn't be more evident in the fiscal cliff "deal" that has been handed to us by our elected officials.

What is common sense?  It appears to have changed based on our last election.  If historic common sense had been used, there's no way Obama would have been elected, not to mention re-elected.

Historically, common sense tells us that if we are spending too much as a family based on consistent paychecks from work, then we need to cut back spending - especially if we have any hope of having investments so we can retire when we are too old to do our jobs.  Debt, historically, has not been viewed as a good thing.  These days, our culture has pushed us to a place where debt is an accepted part of our entire life.

Then...there is government.  Specifically, government debt.  Why does the government need debt and how does it justify its debt?  The same way everyone else does, by telling themselves lies about what is needed and selfishly ignoring the consequences.  Those consequences are that the American people need to suck it up and support algae growers and other "pork" in legislation.

Of course, it's easy to point fingers at the democrats that insisted on raising taxes on the rich, the top 1%, the millionaires they tell us that don't pay their fair share.

Fair share.  That's funny.  Nevermind that our elected officials are that 1%.  They are hypocrites that use their press conferences to decry the financial 'club' they are in themselves.  They are hypocrites who employ the YouTube testimony of those 1%-ers in the entertainment industry to continue their brainwashing efforts of the American public on things ranging from gun control to .

Now, in light of the "deal" on the fiscal cliff, it's also quite easy to point at Republicans...or as they are not-so-affectionately known as RINOs...who caved into Obama, Reid and company after putting on their little dog and pony show where they "stood up" to the tax increases.

Consequently, we're all frustrated with where things appear to be headed for our great nation.

Talk radio show hosts like Rush, Glenn, Sean and Herman get our blood pumping, which is a good thing.  The challenge is getting together a game plan to execute that will make a difference.   Radio shows and networks like Fox News are great but don't offer solutions.

The solution, if you haven't figured it out, is left to We The People.  We can't rely on TV show hosts to change the world.  We can rely on them to inform us on political news and offer perspective.  But, it is up the regular Joe Sixpack Americans like you to stand up and change what we don't like about our country.

The solution and the game plan will be posted on January 4, 2013.

RINOs, you're officially on notice.  We The People are done.  Real change is coming.

-Joe Sixpack American

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