I love you, wacko, Marxists, Socialists, Communists and Progressives on the left side of the political aisle. I love you only in the way that God says we should love our neighbors and our enemies. You are a soul with a body and I hope you get a freakin' clue and get your life right. In the mean time, thanks for giving us examples of how not to be and heed the warning that we are not taking it anymore.
The withering old guard of media (NBC, NYT, CNN, et al) has failed to innovate in a way that will give them relevance in the future of media consumption and influence. That's fine by us. New media resources have been popping up and we're proud to be associated with one that is being built right now.
Andrew Breitbart wanted to dismantle and destroy the liberal media Complex. Ya, we're with him, but as ratings show, the news portion of the Complex is gradually imploding on itself. It's like watching a weed die a slow, painful but necessary death in the desert.
There will be no bailout. We'll let you fail. Go find a new career, one that will not be subsidized by We The People. Sell your hate-speech to a microcosm-sized audience that wants that blithering nonsense, preferably in another country.
We are done with all things PC. We call it Christmas and don't mean to offend you if you don't celebrate that. Happy whatever you do celebrate. We were just trying to be friendly and we're offended when you want us to stop saying it. You need to grow up and get over it.
We are done with politicians pouring gasoline on non-political issues. We are done with tragically under-qualified politicians.
We are done with people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton fanning the flames of racism just so they can retain a job as commentators with the media Complex and make millions of dollars a year off their manipulation of blacks in America.
We are done with the hypocrisy of elected officials saying things like you have to pass the bill to find out what is in the bill. We are tired of the elitist attitude from career politicians.
We are fighting back and the fight has only just begun.
The Complex and their elected counterparts are out of their freakin' mind if they think Conservatives are going to let them run this country into the ground without us fighting to protect it.
We love big and small businesses but are not okay with big corporations bullying farmers.
We are not okay with our gas prices and being taxed into oblivion by liberals who arrogantly think they better know how to grow our businesses than we do.
We are tired of Hollywood pushing the liberal agenda. You have competition now.
We are average US citizens, tired of the bureaucratic insanity. We want better for our families, better for our country and no amount of legislation is going to make that happen!
Only the hard work of every Jane and Joe Sixpack American citizen will put this great nation back on the right track!
I am Joe Sixpack American!
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