In light of the recent re-election of the B.O., I went back over my story that I wrote about a year ago. I was amazed at how relevant all of this story still is, and I thought it would be fun to run it as a complete story in one blog. So, here we go...
As the cortege approached, the crowd started to stir and there was a palpable excitement that was in the air. Everyone knew that the B.O. had confiscated the PopeMobile, and this was his inaugural appearance in it. He had appropriately chosen a European tour, beginning in Rome and then moving up into France and Germany. This was his moment, his coup d'etat, his putsch, as he was now both the head of the United Nations and the United States. He had quickly consolidated his powers and forces and he would now see the dreams from his father come true. The world stood still as he passed, waving to the amassed adoring crowds. They loved him, and he would make them proud as the new leader of the world. He knew what they wanted, and he would give it to them. He didn't need money because he had banished the use of money in the world as one of his first proclamations of power. The world was now a true Worker's Paradise, and he was their leader. He was invincible now, and he knew it. No one could, nor would, dare challenge him and his newly minted Global Community, as he had access to all manner of nuclear, military, and economic power throughout the world. "Welcome to my world," he mused out loud while passing his subjects!
As he continued to ponder his new-found power as the Emperor of the Global Community, the B.O. thought about how so many of his pathetic subjects would continue to cleave to their old, archaic ways. He knew that they would not easily go away, so he decided on a diabolical scheme to somehow collect his opponents email addresses. "Yes," he thought, "in celebration of this holiday season it will be sort of like my own 'naughty and nice' list. Using their emails I'll be able to hunt them down and 'convince' them that their ways should be my ways. Plus," he continued to ponder, "we have lots of land out in the various deserts around the world that we could relocate them in - if we had to go that far, which I suspect we will; after all, they are a pernicious group."
So he channeled his now dead mentor Saul Alinsky and asked him how best to go about wreaking the most havoc upon these foes. Saul replied, "Oh stinky B.O., you have made me proud, even though I am dead. You are right, the best way is to divide and conquer. Use the skills you have learned as a young community organizer. Feel the power within you. The Dark Side of the Force is more powerful than even you can imagine. You once were just Barry Soetoro, hapless little emigrant boy, but now you have become - The B.O. Use and abuse your power with impunity, and may the Force be with you!"
The B.O.'s channeling of Saul Alinsky had made him the veriest of happy. He had now received confirmation from one of his greatest heroes, ranking right up there with Mao, Lenin, Stalin, and Marx, that his actions were the right actions. He now knew that he had, indeed, ceased being Barry Soetoro The Hapless and now become The B.O. His next steps must be plotted carefully.
"I must face my destiny and my future head on. I cannot let the Rebellion win. I am superior in intellect, cunning, and strategy," he cogitated. "I know, I will build a new command post and have it circle the earth, and I shall call it the ObamaStar." So he set forth a decree, as was now his custom to do, that the ObamaStar shall be built with great dispatch and alacrity. It shall be big enough to be seen by his minions on earth, and it shall be as intimidating as possible. Oh yes, he was, indeed, the veriest of happy!
As the ObamaStar circled the earth, there were forces down below that were plotting against the new ruler. The B.O. had abraded their liberties too far, and it was time to stop him. They were tired of his incessant televised broadcasts from the ObamaStar showing him reading from his teleprompters to his amassed Imperial Guards, telling his subjects below how they should live out their pathetic lives, and how they could and could not do certain things, and how they risked life and limb if they dared to defy him. But defy him they would, and a new leader finally emerged from the six-pack of contenders to lead them in their rebellion!
The B.O.'s ObamaStar was not a mere ectype of the Death Star, although it certainly was inspired by the Death Star. The ObamaStar was larger than the Death Star by a magnitude of 2.5 and had all the laser weapons, hangars containing assault shuttles, blastboats, Strike cruisers, land vehicles, support ships, SEIU Storm Troopers, and SBO fighters needed to keep the Rebellion in check. As it circled the earth, the orbit was set to provide a total eclipse of the sun twice a day, thus sending an eerie reminder to all those down on earth who was really in charge and who was watching over them on a constant basis!
As the ObamaStar continued to circle the earth, it would alternately appear to be this otherworldly lucent star and then turn deathly dark, depending on how the sun was shining off of it or when it was blocking out the sun during its daily eclipses. There was despair among the people on earth as they continued to observe the ObamaStar. "After all," they thought, "how can we ever gain control back from the B.O.; he is all powerful now and we don't have the means to stop him any longer." But there were unknown and unseen forces at work...!
As the B.O. was enjoying reruns of his favorite speeches that he had given in the past, his rather odd looking and calvous Executive Officer came rushing into his quarters. "Your Eminence," Carville decried, "there is a, um, 'situation' that requires your immediate attention on the main deck." "Out with it, man, what's the problem that you can't just speak it outright? Why must you always talk like a Democrat? Oh, wait, never mind. Anyway, what's so urgent?" the B.O. rejoined. "Oh, your Highness, you must come and see for yourself. It is not good." And with that, the B.O. rushed out of his room and down to the main deck of the ObamaStar to see for himself just what in the name of the Almighty B.O. was happening!
Being thoroughly annoyed with having been drawn away from his quarters while watching T.V., the B.O. bounded into the main deck's control center and demanded to know what was so important that he had to be called away in such a curt manner.
"B.O., we're so glad you're here. You must save us, and save the ObamaStar," exclaimed his Chief Engineer in a most desperate manner.
"Alright, where's my teleprompter? I'll make a speech to the world about hope and change, maybe swaddle my left arm in bandages for some sympathy from the masses," the B.O. responded.
"No, you idiot. There's going to be some change, no doubt, but it won't be the kind you're thinking of," the Chief Engineer sarcastically retorted.
"How dare you speak to your Emperor that way!" the B.O. decried.
"Listen, B.O., the ship is starting to break up, it's disintegrating as we speak. It has become too large to sustain itself, and the constant gravitational pull from the moon, the earth, and the sun has become too much on the infrastructure of the ship and now it is starting to fall apart. We're doomed! Oh, the humanity!!" the Chief Engineer wailed.
"Well, you may be doomed, but I have to vote with my feet on that matter. I'm outta here!" And with that, the B.O. charged out of the control room and raced down to the escape shuttle, where he immediately secured himself in the Captain's chair, hit the eject button, and flew back to the safety of the earth. As the shuttle safely touched down on the White House lawn, he saw his precious and invincible ObamaStar sink precipitously below the horizon and he soon felt the shutter of the earth as his prized possession hit in the vast wasteland of Russia. "Well, that was unexpected, indeed," he thought. "Hmm, I wonder what I should do now?"
The B.O. was stunned at the sudden change of events. He had never envisioned the ObamaStar, HIS ObamaStar, crashing down to earth like so much space rubble. Yet, here he was standing on the south lawn of the White House wondering what to do next. Things were looking bleak - no teleprompters, no Chief of Staff to tell him what to do, no SEIU to protect him, and now here he was standing out in the open at the place that he had escaped from and feeling a bit adventive since he had rarely been there even from the beginning. He missed his vacations in Hawaii, France, Germany, Switzerland, Botswana, Iraq, Dubai, Venezuala, North Korea, China, Viet Nam, Iran, and especially his Fatherland.
"Oh well," he mused as he headed off toward the White House. "Say, I wonder where everyone is, anyway. There should be someone here to greet me." He walked over to the door by the dining room and it was locked; he then tried several other doors and they were all locked. Next he went to the front door and rang the door bell. To his amazement, someone opened it, but he didn't recognize him. In fact, he could sort of see through him. "Who are you?" the B.O. demanded!
"I asked you a question, old man. Who are you, and what are you doing in my house?" the B.O. demanded once again.
"Oh, stinky B.O., you have much to learn. This beautiful White House doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the people," the old man rejoined.
"Whatever. This is an old fusty mausoleum as far as I'm concerned, just like that old piece of crap known as the Constitution that all those crazy Tea Party people are so worked up over. Anyway, you still didn't answer my question," the B.O. sneered.
"Like I said, you have much to learn. Tonight you will be visited by the ghosts of Presidents Past, Present, and Future. From them you will learn what you must do to stay in power."
"You're crazy, old man. I am the Emperor of the World and no one comes before me! Whatever I decree, it shall happen. By the way, where is everybody?"
"Never mind that, B.O., just know that you will be visited tonight. Take heed, for your very existence depends on it." And with that last admonition, the old man disappeared into thin air!
"That was totally weird," the B.O. contemplated as he went into the White House. "As if I'M going to have 'A Christmas Carol' moment! I mean really!! But where is everybody, anyway? No one is here, all the lights are off, and the doors are all locked. I may be the Emperor of the World, but I am still the President of the United States, too."
The B.O. tried the phones and nothing was working. As it was now quite late, he decided to get some rest and sort it all out in the morning. He went upstairs to his bedroom and as he plopped himself down on his bed, an apparition appeared before him just as the clock was striking 1:00 a.m.
"Stinky B.O., I am the ghost of Presidents Past, and I am going to show you some things that you need to consider. You have ignored your country's history, and that has affected everyone's future. Come, let us go now."
The B.O. sat straight up and was in shock as he listened to the ghost of Presidents Past. "Who are you, really?" the B.O. demanded.
"Come, let us go now," the ghost said again, and all of a sudden they were standing before all of the Founding Fathers as they were all gathered around discussing the formation of the United States and getting ready to sign the Constitution. There they were, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and of course the great George Washington.
As they listened to and observed the proceedings, the ghost commented that there was little interpolation and nothing extraneous that was being added to the Constitution. Their concept of the Constitution was that it would be kept as simple as possible, thus keeping the federal government in check and not letting it get too big and powerful.
The B.O. scoffed at the very notion of keeping any government in check, and he commented as such to the ghost. "Oh, B.O., you still don't get it, do you? Perhaps the ghost of Presidents Present will help you to understand where you have gone wrong." And with that, the B.O. suddenly found himself back in his bedroom - alone!
By 2:00 a.m. the B.O. was quite worked up, not knowing what was going to happen next. He could scarcely believe that all of these bizarre occurrences had actually happened - first the ObamaStar falling out of the sky, then no one was home at the White House, and now ghosts! As the clock struck the second gong at 2:00, sure enough another ghost appeared.
"Hey, you look a lot like President Reagan."
The ghost ignored his comment, and then said "Oh stinky B.O., you need to lave yourself as you are truly living up to your initials! But enough of that, I need to show you a few things from the Presidents Present." And with that they were suddenly in the midst of a Chinese Central Committee meeting. The committee was presently discussing China's relationship with the United States.
"We need not fear them any longer, comrades. The B.O. has weakened them militarily so much that we can now fill the power vacuum left in the world. They have turned into a paper tiger. We must now build our own fleet of aircraft carriers that will soon rule the seven seas, just like the Americans used to do," scoffed Hu Jintao.
"Hey, they can't talk about us like that," the B.O. exclaimed.
"You need to see more, B.O." the ghost rejoined, and they now found themselves at a meeting between Putin and Medvedev.
"It looks like the game is back on, Dmitri. Those idiot Americans and their sniveling teleprompter president couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Their leadership in the world is non-existent, and I see our fortunes and leadership of the world rising. What a joke that B.O. is! Ha ha ha," he laughed with great contempt.
"Alright, ghost boy, I've had enough of this nonsense. I'm better and smarter than any of those jokers. Get me back to the White House - now," the B.O. demanded.
"Oh stinky B.O., you still haven't learned your lesson. You are in deeper dog doo than I thought!" exclaimed the ghost. And again the B.O. suddenly found himself back in his bedroom - alone!
Now as the clock struck 3:00 a.m. the B.O. knew that on the last bell another ghost would present himself; and as much as he wanted to be disappointed at a no-show ghost, the ghost of Presidents Future suddenly appeared before him.
"All right, ghost, let's get this stupid nonsense over with," the B.O. sneered with great disdain.
"B.O., you are a real piece of work. Maybe by seeing what will happen if you continue on the current path you are on you will consider changing your ways," the ghost retorted.
"Give me a break, I am the greatest President there ever has been or will be. I passed all of that legislation in my first two years in office, more than any other President in history."
"Maybe so, but let's look at the future, now that you have had a glimpse at the anamnesis of the past." They instantly were transported to future New York City, where they witnessed closed store after closed store. Soup lines were everywhere, and fires burned in old corporate buildings that used to house many of the great financial institutions. Then they went to city after city and witnessed the same thing - fires, roaming gangs, soup lines, broken down vehicles of all sorts abandoned on the roadsides.
"Take me to Washington D.C., you idiot. I want to see what's going on there," the B.O. snapped. "It couldn't be all that bad."
"That's a bad idea, B.O." the ghost said, but the B.O. was not to be dissuaded.
So they instantly appeared in front of the White House; it was more beautiful than he had remembered it, with the lawns perfectly manicured, trees and bushes trimmed, a fresh coat of paint on the house itself. They went to all of the government centers in D.C. where there was much hustle and bustle, with big new limos dropping off the workers at their places of work. There was no sign of the despair that he witnessed at the other cities, and the B.O. smiled.
"You sneaky ghost, you didn't want me to see how it really is here, did you?" the B.O. gleefully asked the ghost.
"But, B.O., what you saw in the other cities is how it really is. What you have seen here is not reality for the rest of America. This is an abomination of what the government should be. The government here is living in a bubble, not reality. If you don't change the course of this government now, what you have seen tonight in the other cities in America will become reality. Take heed, B.O." And with that the B.O. was back in the White House, still alone. "Gees, I'm glad that character is gone," he said as he dozed off in bed.
"The next morning he woke up, totally refreshed and invigorated. He hadn't felt this good since he had won the Presidency in 2008. The B.O. bounced out of bed and rushed over to the window and threw open the blinds. There were actually people walking around outside again, and things appeared to be back to normal.
"What day is today?" he yelled out the window to the gardener.
"Why, it's New Years Day, Mr. President.
"Splendid!" he yelled back down to the gardener.
The B.O. immediately went to his office and got his Chief of Staff on the phone. "Daley, get that engineer that designed the ObamaStar down in the Oval Office ASAP, I need to get a new one built that can withstand the gravitational pulls imposed on it by the earth, moon, and sun. It's a great day in the neighborhood, and an even better day to be the Emperor of the World!" And with that, the B.O. went away whistling and headed down to the gym to get some basketball time in before breakfast!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
World's Shortest Books
World's Shortest Books
By Jane Fonda, Cindy Sheehan & Michelle Obama
Illustrated by Michael Moore
Foreword by George Soros
By "The Rev
Jesse Jackson" & "The Rev Al Sharpton"
By Hillary Clinton
By Bill Clinton
By Bill Gates
By Dennis Rodman
By Dennis Rodman
By Al Gore & John
By Amelia Earhart
By Dr. Jack Kevorkian
By Ellen de Generes
& Rosie O'Donnell
By Mike Tyson
By 0. J. Simpson
& Casey Anthony
By Ted Kennedy
By Ted Kennedy
By Bill Clinton
With introduction by
The Rev. Jesse Jackson
And foreword by
Tiger Woods with John Edwards
With introduction by
The Rev. Jesse Jackson
And foreword by
Tiger Woods with John Edwards
By The Minnesota Vikings
Just added:
By Nancy Pelosi
And the shortest book of them all:
By Barack Hussein Obama
By Barack Hussein Obama
Monday, June 25, 2012
Glorious Firsts -- Fundamentally Changing America One First at a Time!
List of
We must give credit where credit is due. .
.here's Obama's Impressive list of firsts:
§ First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
§ First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
§ First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
§ First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
§ First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States .
§ First President to violate the War Powers Act.
§ First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .
§ First President to defy a Federal Judge’s court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.
§ First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
§ First President to spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there was no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ jobs.
§ First President to abrogate bankruptcy law and turn over control of major companies to his union supporters.
§ First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
§ First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with criminal convictions.
§ First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
§ First President to terminate America ’s ability to put a man in space.
§ First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
§ First President to arbitrarily usurp congress, declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
§ First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
§ First President to tell a major manufacturing company (Boeing) in which State they are allowed to locate a factory.
§ First President to join with a foreign country and file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
§ First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
§ First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.
§ First President to go on multiple global ‘apology tours’.
§ First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer.
§ First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
§ First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
§ First President to repeat the Holy Qur'an and tell us, "the Islamic call to worship is the most beautiful sound on earth."
§ First President able to break all these laws, be openly corrupt and get by with treason, simply because he's black.
WAKE UP AMERICA ! Send this list to your Democrat friends - they will all be so proud of all these firsts! Just think, this list could really grow if he just has four more years now that taxpayers have paid for his on the job training! And also send this to friends and family to make sure they vote "O" out of office!
Thank Goodness for Fox News - let’s hope that Obama doesn’t shut this network down to maintain control of what we think!
Just how much more will this man get away with?
I don’t want to know!
§ First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
§ First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
§ First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
§ First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
§ First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States .
§ First President to violate the War Powers Act.
§ First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .
§ First President to defy a Federal Judge’s court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.
§ First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
§ First President to spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there was no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ jobs.
§ First President to abrogate bankruptcy law and turn over control of major companies to his union supporters.
§ First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
§ First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with criminal convictions.
§ First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
§ First President to terminate America ’s ability to put a man in space.
§ First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
§ First President to arbitrarily usurp congress, declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
§ First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
§ First President to tell a major manufacturing company (Boeing) in which State they are allowed to locate a factory.
§ First President to join with a foreign country and file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
§ First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
§ First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.
§ First President to go on multiple global ‘apology tours’.
§ First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer.
§ First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
§ First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
§ First President to repeat the Holy Qur'an and tell us, "the Islamic call to worship is the most beautiful sound on earth."
§ First President able to break all these laws, be openly corrupt and get by with treason, simply because he's black.
WAKE UP AMERICA ! Send this list to your Democrat friends - they will all be so proud of all these firsts! Just think, this list could really grow if he just has four more years now that taxpayers have paid for his on the job training! And also send this to friends and family to make sure they vote "O" out of office!
Thank Goodness for Fox News - let’s hope that Obama doesn’t shut this network down to maintain control of what we think!
Just how much more will this man get away with?
I don’t want to know!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
JCP has decided to pander to the smallest percentage of dads this Father's Day - gay men with kids.
This in response to a conservative moms group challenging them for hiring Ellen DeGeneres as a
Apparently, JCP is not really interested in business from well over 50% of the dads in the US. They clearly think they're above the issue. Unbelievable.
This in response to a conservative moms group challenging them for hiring Ellen DeGeneres as a
Apparently, JCP is not really interested in business from well over 50% of the dads in the US. They clearly think they're above the issue. Unbelievable.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Some Things Have Not Changed - 1934 vs. 2012
This is spooky! This cartoon was published in the Chicago Tribune on April 21, 1934, and it accurately portrays what the B.O.'s regime is currently doing in Washington. We must stop the B.O. Express this November, or face further consequences of his profligate spending!
Monday, April 30, 2012
How It Should Be!
It's nice to know a couple of things from the following letter.
1. There are still those college students that don't rely on the government for EVERYTHING!
2. There are still college students that can actually spell correctly!
1. There are still those college students that don't rely on the government for EVERYTHING!
2. There are still college students that can actually spell correctly!
Monday, April 16, 2012
King Obama Land Giveaway - to Russia!
He's at it again, boys and girls. Obama dislikes this nation so much that he is giving away oil-rich land to Russia.
Are you aware that President Barack Hussein Obama is going to sign over eight islands in the Bering Sea that are currently part of Alaska? One was discovered by Mr. Muir, the founder of the Sierra Club.
Now the administration that will not let us drill for oil there, ostensibly to save the environment, is going to give away this U.S. territory for free. What do you think Russia will do? Drill for oil? Known reserves are there.
Fishing rights and territorial waters gone; a free give away and not a word in the traditional news media. And what about the 10th Amendment? He is unilaterally going to re-draw the boundary of the United States of America and the Great State of Alaska! I know that nothing is as simple as it seems, but why no discussion?
No gold, no concessions of any kind? Just search Obama and Alaska Islands and see for yourself. Seems an egregious abuse of executive power again. If you care, contact your Representative and the media.
Just look for more of this type of stuff if the B.O. gets re-elected!
Are you aware that President Barack Hussein Obama is going to sign over eight islands in the Bering Sea that are currently part of Alaska? One was discovered by Mr. Muir, the founder of the Sierra Club.
Now the administration that will not let us drill for oil there, ostensibly to save the environment, is going to give away this U.S. territory for free. What do you think Russia will do? Drill for oil? Known reserves are there.
Fishing rights and territorial waters gone; a free give away and not a word in the traditional news media. And what about the 10th Amendment? He is unilaterally going to re-draw the boundary of the United States of America and the Great State of Alaska! I know that nothing is as simple as it seems, but why no discussion?
No gold, no concessions of any kind? Just search Obama and Alaska Islands and see for yourself. Seems an egregious abuse of executive power again. If you care, contact your Representative and the media.
Just look for more of this type of stuff if the B.O. gets re-elected!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Either Way It Adds Up To A Lot More
Al Gore had 'fuzzy math'.
Obama has 'new math' where he has refuted a new study that says Obamacare will add $340,000,000,000 to our nation's deficit.
Well, like most of Congress, I haven't read the bill either. But, I'd venture a guess that on this one Barack Hussein Obama is actually right.
It's probably several hundred billion more than that.
al gore,
Barack Hussein Obama,
fuzzy math,
new math
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Punk Rock Conservatism
All we need is love...and punk rock Conservatism.
I love you, wacko, Marxists, Socialists, Communists and Progressives on the left side of the political aisle. I love you only in the way that God says we should love our neighbors and our enemies. You are a soul with a body and I hope you get a freakin' clue and get your life right. In the mean time, thanks for giving us examples of how not to be and heed the warning that we are not taking it anymore.
The withering old guard of media (NBC, NYT, CNN, et al) has failed to innovate in a way that will give them relevance in the future of media consumption and influence. That's fine by us. New media resources have been popping up and we're proud to be associated with one that is being built right now.
Andrew Breitbart wanted to dismantle and destroy the liberal media Complex. Ya, we're with him, but as ratings show, the news portion of the Complex is gradually imploding on itself. It's like watching a weed die a slow, painful but necessary death in the desert.
There will be no bailout. We'll let you fail. Go find a new career, one that will not be subsidized by We The People. Sell your hate-speech to a microcosm-sized audience that wants that blithering nonsense, preferably in another country.
We are done with all things PC. We call it Christmas and don't mean to offend you if you don't celebrate that. Happy whatever you do celebrate. We were just trying to be friendly and we're offended when you want us to stop saying it. You need to grow up and get over it.
We are done with politicians pouring gasoline on non-political issues. We are done with tragically under-qualified politicians.
We are done with people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton fanning the flames of racism just so they can retain a job as commentators with the media Complex and make millions of dollars a year off their manipulation of blacks in America.
We are done with the hypocrisy of elected officials saying things like you have to pass the bill to find out what is in the bill. We are tired of the elitist attitude from career politicians.
We are fighting back and the fight has only just begun.
The Complex and their elected counterparts are out of their freakin' mind if they think Conservatives are going to let them run this country into the ground without us fighting to protect it.
We love big and small businesses but are not okay with big corporations bullying farmers.
We are not okay with our gas prices and being taxed into oblivion by liberals who arrogantly think they better know how to grow our businesses than we do.
We are tired of Hollywood pushing the liberal agenda. You have competition now.
We are average US citizens, tired of the bureaucratic insanity. We want better for our families, better for our country and no amount of legislation is going to make that happen!
Only the hard work of every Jane and Joe Sixpack American citizen will put this great nation back on the right track!
I am Joe Sixpack American!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
So the Supreme Court is now hearing arguments on ObamaCare. In listening to the arguments from the proponents of this abysmal piece of legislation, one should keep in mind the following:
"Few things are more irritating than when someone who is wrong is also very effective in making his point.”— Mark Twain, American author, humorist
I couldn't have said it better myself!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
"Few things are more irritating than when someone who is wrong is also very effective in making his point.”— Mark Twain, American author, humorist
I couldn't have said it better myself!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Monday, February 20, 2012
Recently, while I was working in the flower beds in the frontyard, my neighbors stopped to chat as they returned home from walking their dog.
During our friendly conversation, I asked their little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, "If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?"
She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people." Her parents beamed with pride!
"Wow...what a worthy goal!" I said. "But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that!" I told her.
"What do you mean?" she replied.
So I told her, "You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and trim my hedge, and I'll pay you $50. Then you can go over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house."
She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?"
I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."
Her parents aren't speaking to me.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012

--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Friday, January 20, 2012

Word of the Day for Friday, January 20, 2012
deucedly \DOO-sid-lee\, adverb:
Devilishly; damnably.
In rejecting the Keystone Pipeline, the B.O. has shown what a deucedly bad President and leader that he is!
Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
When I went in I had seen that there was a deucedly pretty girl sitting in that particular seat, so I had taken the next one.-- P. G. Wodehouse, Man With Two Left Feet and Other Stories
It's most important. You will put me in a deucedly awkward position if you don't.-- C. S. Lewis, The Magician's Nephew
Deucedly is related to the word deuce which refers to the face of a die with one dot, as in "to roll deuces." It comes from the Latin word for two, duos. In the mid-1600s, it became associated with bad luck, probably because it was the lowest score you could get when playing dice.
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Word of the Day for Thursday, January 19, 2012
shiv \shiv\, noun:
A knife, especially a switchblade.
Imagine, a shiv toting, dope smoking, Marxist loving, punk of a kid becoming President of the United States; the B.O. proves that anything is possible, which is why he made a speech from Disney World this week; oh yes, he is definitely our Fantasyland President!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Then this one cop, the guy, he pulls out a picture, shows me a photograph, see, of my shiv. Now, I gotta tell ya, this shiv of mine's no ordinary blade.-- Ashok Mathur, Once Upon an Elephant
“Why would he wipe the shiv?” Decker said. “Supposedly it was his shiv, not hers. Of course it would have his prints on it. Seems to me he'd just stick it back in its sheath and leave.”-- Faye Kellerman, Milk and Honey
First used in English in the early 1600s, shiv is of unknown origin, but it may be related to the Romany word for knife, chiv.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Word of the Day for Wednesday, January 18, 2012
persnickety \per-SNIK-i-tee\, adjective:
1. Overparticular; fussy.
2. Snobbish or having the aloof attitude of a snob.
3. Requiring painstaking care.
The B.O. is a persnickety boor!
Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
These critics can take some consolation by looking at the recent rehabilitation of Hamilton Grange, the upper Manhattan house built by founding father Alexander Hamilton. It shows just how persnickety a preservation project can be.-- Robbie Whelan, "Historic Home on the Grange," The Wall Street Journal, December 11, 2011
The point here is to make your animal understand that its upstairs neighbour is exceptionally persnickety about territory.-- Yann Martel, Life of Pi
Persnickety dates back to the late 1800s. It is a variant of the Scots word pernickety, which is of uncertain origin. Pernickety is perhaps related to other Scots words with the per- prefix, like perskeet which meant "fastidious."
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

alate \EY-leyt\, adjective:
1. Having wings; winged.
2. Having membranous expansions like wings.
1. The winged form of an insect when both winged and wingless forms occur in the species.
I had a nightmare last night; the B.O.'s head was on a huge alate body which had long claws sticking down from its gangly legs; it was scooping up unsuspecting victims that had a big "E" on their backsides, which I think stood for Entrepreneur; then he was dashing them on top of the rocks at the beach and laughing hysterically as he dropped each one down; then he flew to South Carolina and started scooping up all of the Republican candidates and dashing them into the abyss called the EPA; and finally with all that done, he flew back to his nest in the White House and sat on all of the eggs in his nest, and each egg had letters on them like CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and Newsweek!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Vainly a few diehard physicists pointed out that wings are of no propulsive help in airless void, that alate flight is possible only where there are wind currents to lift and carry.-- Robert Silverberg, Earth is the Strangest Planet
There are no words branded into this gate, only the shape of a large bird with its wings stretched out over the width of the road like an alate protector.-- Jenny Siler, Easy Money
Alate is comprised of the Latin roots āla meaning "wing" and the suffix -ate which was used in Latin to make a word an adjective (like separate) but in English came to be used to create a verb out of a noun (like agitate).
Monday, January 16, 2012

Word of the Day for Monday, January 16, 2012
perspicacious \pur-spi-KEY-shuhs\, adjective:
1. Having keen mental perception and understanding; discerning.
2. Archaic. Having keen vision.
The B.O. is perspicacious when it comes to knowing how best to get more Democrat votes, although I wouldn't really say that getting more people feeding off of the government pig trough is much of a talent, it's just pandering to the basest of instincts of the American public that are so inclined to such, that being sloth, greed, envy, acedia, lust, and gluttony!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
You are perspicacious, know the ways of the world, and are more tactful than most men of your age.-- Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
More perspicacious neighbors, the Paulsens among them, suspected that Joey also enjoyed being the smartest person in the house.-- Jonathan Franzen, Freedom
Perspicacious is derived from the Late Latin word perspicācitās meaning "sharpness of sight."
Friday, January 13, 2012

Word of the Day for Friday, January 13, 2012
viscid \VIS-id\, adjective:
1. Having a glutinous consistency; sticky; adhesive.
2. Botany. Covered by a sticky substance.
As the viscid pool of slime and fungus filled scum started to be stirred from something below, it became evident that there was a creature emerging from the depths of the pool; as it emerged and the goop slid off, it was finally evident what it was - it was the B.O. holding his "original" birth certificate; now the mystery has been solved as to from whence he came!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
This was the moment for the curious, shading their faces from the fiery glow, to plunge their walking-sticks into the viscid mass and dip out portions of the lava.-- T. M. Coan, "An Island of Fire," Scribner's Monthly
But now a snake commenced to coil around my feet, and with a momentary terror I rushed forward, only to strike a rock and fall into a viscid pool.-- Will L. Garver, Brother of the Third Degree
Viscid comes from the Latin word for mistletoe, visc. Mistletoe was used to make a sticky paste to trap birds called birdlime. It is clearly also related to the word "viscous."
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Word of the Day for Thursday, January 12, 2012
bonny \BON-ee\, adjective:
1. Pleasing to the eye.
2. British Dialect. A. (Of people) Healthy, sweet, and lively. B. (Of places) Placid; tranquil. C. Pleasing; agreeable; good.
1. British Dialect. Pleasingly; agreeably; very well.
1. Scot. and North England Archaic. A pretty girl or young woman.
There once was a bonny named Debbie
Who actually looked a lot like Freddie
She would spew out her lies
Without blinking her eyes,
And the B.O. would believe them as truth!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Mayhap 'tis time to speak of more than how fine the weather is or how bonny she looks.-- Hannah Howell, Highland Honor
As he was about to fix the last nail in the last of the shoes, the man in green said, "Would you be knowing what ails the bonny young lady?"-- Ethel Johnston Phelps and Pamela Baldwin-Ford, Tatterhood and Other Tales
Bonny is of uncertain origin. It may be related to the Old French word bon meaning "good." It entered the Scots dialect in the mid-1400s.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Word of the Day for Wednesday, January 11, 2012
expostulate \ik-SPOS-chuh-leyt\, verb:
To reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done.
Conservatives have got to realize that they cannot expostulate with the B.O. on any of his policies; that is why we must soundly defeat him in November!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
The tears would run plentifully down my face when I made these reflections; and sometimes I would expostulate with myself, why Providence should thus completely ruin his creatures, and render them so absolutely miserable, so without help abandoned, so entirely depressed, that it could hardly be rational to be thankful for such a life.-- Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
Peter at last determined one day, all of a sudden, that he would step into this highland reaver's den, and expostulate with him on the baseness and impolicy of his conduct, and try to convince him of these, and persuade him to keep his own laird's bounds.-- James Hogg, Tales of the Wars of Montrose
Expostulate is derived from the Latin word expostulātus which meant "demanded urgently or required."
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Word of the Day for Tuesday, January 10, 2012
paregmenon \puh-REG-muh-non\, noun:
The juxtaposition of words that have a common derivation, as in “sense and sensibility.”
I wonder if the words Community Organizer and Communist, as they apply to the B.O., would be considered a paregmenon!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Although as artificial as his use of traductio, this use of paregmenon at least reveals Sidney's ingenuity and wit.-- Sherod M. Cooper, The Sonnets of Astrophel and Stella
The recurrence of the same word with a different inflection, as in the polyptoton, or of different words of the same origin, as in the paregmenon, draws attention to the word thus recurring, and adds somewhat to its logical worth.-- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Philological Studies with English Illustrations
Paregmenon comes from the Greek word parēēgménon meaning "to bring side by side or derive."
Monday, January 9, 2012

Word of the Day for Monday, January 9, 2012
heterotelic \het-er-uh-TEL-ik\, adjective:
Having the purpose of its existence or occurrence apart from itself.
The B.O. treats his presidency in a heteroteleic manner in that, yes, he is the President of the United States, however, his socialist-Marxist agenda is antithetic to everything that this country was built upon!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
You're of heteroteleic value, that means you were invoked for an extraneous purpose alone, the outcome of which won't even be known to me until I'm back with my physical body in the physical world…-- William Cook, Love in the Time of Flowers
Therefore, what has been proposed above as a means of redirecting the development of postmodernity toward more livable, human dimensions is a heterotelic narrative transitivity—an active reimmersion of narrative in the social—which contrasts sharply with the autotelic concern for their own procedures and the hermetic intransitivity of modernist self-consciousness and late modernist self-reflexivity.-- Joseph Francese, Narrating Postmodern Time and Space
Heterotelic is directly derived from the Greek roots héteros meaning "other", tele- meaning "distant", and the suffix -ic which denotes an adjective, as in metallic and athletic.
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Word of the Day for Saturday, January 7, 2012
Cimmerian \si-MEER-ee-uhn\, adjective:
1. Very dark; gloomy; deep.
2. Classical Mythology. Of, pertaining to, or suggestive of a western people believed to dwell in perpetual darkness.
The B.O. woke up with a start and sat straight up in bed; he felt as if he had just been in a horrific dream of complete Cimmerian despair, with zombie like people walking around with their arms thrust forward and their palms raised upward, and they were all incessantly chanting "More, More, More"; then he realized his dream was actually one about the current state of our economy!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
I was ripe for death, and along a road full of dangers, weakness led me to the boundaries of the world and the Cimmerian land of darkness and whirlwinds.-- Arthur Rimbaud, A Season in Hell
Once beneath the over-arching trees all was again Cimmerian darkness, nor was the gloom relieved until the sun finally arose beyond the eastern cliffs, when she saw that they were following what appeared to be a broad and well-beaten game trail through a forest of great trees.-- Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan the Untamed
Like gasconade, cimmerian was originally a toponym. It referred to the Cimmerii, an ancient nomadic people who live in Crimea, according to Herodotus.
Friday, January 6, 2012

Word of the Day for Friday, January 6, 2012
sprat \sprat\, noun:
1. A small or inconsequential person or thing.
2. A species of herring, Clupea sprattus, of the eastern North Atlantic.
The B.O. looks upon the electorate as nothing more than a bunch of illiterate sprats!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
How'd you get yourself into this, sprat, Bustard wanted to know.-- Gene Wolfe, Epiphany of the Long Sun
Edgerton was cursing, but Mr. Bullock just shook his head. "No, sir, don't say such things in front of the little sprat…"-- Catherine Coulter, Deception
Sprat is a variation of the Old English word sprot which meant "a sprout or twig." Its most common usage is in the nursery rhyme "Jack Sprat."
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