Word of the Day for Monday, September 19, 2011
revenant \REV-uh-nuhnt\, noun:
One who returns after death (as a ghost) or after a long absence.
The B.O.'s liberal left base has been waiting for him to return as a revenant dressed in his socialist-Marxist shrouds; they may not have long to wait, what with his proposed $1.5 trillion in new taxes!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Lazarus, as a revenant, is often used by the religious romance-writers of the middle ages as a vehicle for their conceptions of the lower world.-- R. C. Trench, Notes on the Miracles of Our Lord
He pale, immobile like a revenant himself, looked sometimes out of the window, sometimes closed his eyes.-- D. H. Lawrence, Women in Love
The folklore of the Irish countryside too, with its hauntings, revenants and changelings... was an integral part of everyday awareness, even in the middle-class world of Yeats's childhood.-- Terence Brown, The Life of W. B. Yeats
Revenant is from French revenir, "to return," which is also the source of the word revenue, "that which returns from an investment."
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