Monday, August 8, 2011

Word of the Day for Monday, August 8, 2011

chaptalize \SHAP-tuh-lahyz\, verb:

To increase the alcohol in a wine by adding sugar.

Maybe I'll chaptalize my wine a bit more so I can get past the stench of the B.O. and his policies!

--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog

A proprietor who chaptalizes juice or ameliorates juice or wine, or both, shall maintain a record of the operation and the transaction date.-- U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 27, Alcohol, Tobacco Products

They chaptalize, they blend, fudge their appellations, water down with lesser stuff.-- Peter Lewis, Dead in the Dregs: A Babe Stern Mystery

Chaptalize comes from the French chaptaliser, which is in turn named for the French chemist J. A. Chaptal.

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