Word of the Day for Friday, July 1, 2011
deciduous \dih-SIJ-oo-uhs\, adjective:
1. Falling off or shed at a particular season, stage of growth, etc.
2. Shedding the leaves annually, as certain trees and shrubs.
3. Not permanent; transitory.
The deciduous presidency of the B.O. is a riotous color of reds, and as the red leaves of the Maple Tree turn red and fall off in the autumn, so will the reds in his administration all leave next year in the fall!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
At last they discover that all which at first drew them together, - those once sacred features, that magical play of charms, - was deciduous, had a prospective end, like the scaffolding by which the house was built; and the purification of the intellect and the heart from year to year is the real marriage, foreseen and prepared from the first, and wholly above their conciousness.-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Love & Friendship
Pine and fir trees kept their green while their deciduous brothers were a riot of color.-- Crickett Starr, Violet Among the Roses
Deciduous derives from the Latin dēciduus, "tending to fall."
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