Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Heartless Death Panel

Loving parents want their children to live long, full, healthy lives. Canada doesn't feel that way.

The parents of 'Baby Joseph' have agreed to let the child go home with his parents...but they're going to remove the respirator currently keeping him alive. This means he'll have just a few more minutes of life before he dies.

Canada's health care allocation officials have refused to allow the hospital to perform a tracheotomy which would likely allow the little guy about six more months to live. The parents had another child with a similar physical problem that had the tracheotomy and the surgery extended his life about six additional months.

A hospital in Michigan, a state already financially strapped, has denied a transfer for the boy.

How is this a political issue? Easy. This is a picture of what Obamacare will do to healthcare in the United States of America. The socialized healthcare in Canada is very similar to the unConstitutional Obamacare looks like.

Barack Hussein Obama's healthcare "death panel" will essentially sentence people to die, just like 'Baby Joseph.'

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