Word of the Day for Monday, December 27, 2010
eschatological \es-kuh-tl-OJ-i-kuhl\, adjective:
eschatological \es-kuh-tl-OJ-i-kuhl\, adjective:
1. Regarding last, or final, matters, often of a theological nature.
1. Regarding last, or final, matters, often of a theological nature.
2. Regarding any system of doctrines concerning theological endings, such as death, the Judgment, the future state, etc.
The future eschatological post mortem of the B.O.'s presidency will reveal that he was an utter failure as a president and failed in his long term goal of turning the United States into a suburb of Kenya!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Eschatological is built from the Greek roots eschatos, "last, furthest, remote," and logia, "a speaking" (in a certain manner). In theology, the study of the four last things: death, judgment, heaven, hell.
Eschatological is built from the Greek roots eschatos, "last, furthest, remote," and logia, "a speaking" (in a certain manner). In theology, the study of the four last things: death, judgment, heaven, hell.
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