Word of the Day for Wednesday, November 3, 2010
hyperbolic \hahy-per-BOL-ik\, adjective:
hyperbolic \hahy-per-BOL-ik\, adjective:
1. Using hyperbole; exaggerating.
1. Using hyperbole; exaggerating.
2. Of or pertaining to a hyperbola.
It turns out that the pre-election statements by the Conservatives regarding their chances of winning the control of the House of Representatives were not hyperbolic hooey after all, and the B.O. is not a happy camper today because of it, except, of course, for the TWO BILLION DOLLAR trip that he is soon going to take, so maybe that will help assuage his bruised ego!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Hyperbolic is an alteration of the Greek hyperbole, hyper- meaning "beyond" and -bole "a throwing" (related to -bolt.)
Hyperbolic is an alteration of the Greek hyperbole, hyper- meaning "beyond" and -bole "a throwing" (related to -bolt.)
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