Word of the Day for Thursday, July 1, 2010
hunky dory \HUHNG-kee-DOHR-ee\, adjective:
hunky dory \HUHNG-kee-DOHR-ee\, adjective:
About as well as one could wish or expect; satisfactory; fine; OK.
About as well as one could wish or expect; satisfactory; fine; OK.
So the B.O. was out on the golf course, playing his usual 7th game of the week, thinking that everything was hunky dory, when out of the clear blue the economy imploded, the Vice President is thrown in jail for starting a food fight at a custard shop, the Speaker of the House is taken away in a straight jacket mumbling something like "I'll get you, my pretties!", Great Britain claims that their American Colony was illegally seized from them in 1776 by the gun-toting colonists and that they are re-claiming their rightful rule over America, and meanwhile the Mexican Army has invaded Arizona and taken over Phoenix and set up their new capital of Mexico there; hmmmm, not a good day for the B.O. - but there is still time for another round of golf!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Hunky dory is an American coinage from the late 1800s. The source is posited to be an adaptation of New York City slang or perhaps a reference to a street in Japan named Honcho dori, known as a destination for sailors on shore leave.
Hunky dory is an American coinage from the late 1800s. The source is posited to be an adaptation of New York City slang or perhaps a reference to a street in Japan named Honcho dori, known as a destination for sailors on shore leave.
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