Word of the Day for Friday, April 9, 2010
indefatigable \in-dih-FAT-ih-guh-bul\, adjective:
indefatigable \in-dih-FAT-ih-guh-bul\, adjective:
Incapable of being fatigued; not readily exhausted; untiring; unwearying; not yielding to fatigue.
Incapable of being fatigued; not readily exhausted; untiring; unwearying; not yielding to fatigue.
The B.O. has been indefatigable in his quest to move his socialist-Marxist agenda forward!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Indefatigable comes from Latin indefatigabilis, from in-, "not" + defatigare, "to tire out," from de-, intensive prefix + fatigare, "to weary."
Indefatigable comes from Latin indefatigabilis, from in-, "not" + defatigare, "to tire out," from de-, intensive prefix + fatigare, "to weary."
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