Word of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2010
impecunious \im-pih-KYOO-nee-uhs\, adjective:
impecunious \im-pih-KYOO-nee-uhs\, adjective:
Not having money; habitually without money; poor.
Not having money; habitually without money; poor.
According to the B.O., those that produce goods and services in our society, those that provide and create jobs in our society, and those that have money for whatever reason (except, of course, the liberal ruling elites, the liberal people in the entertainment industry, and others of that ilk like George Soros), all those people must transfer their wealth to the impecunious, unproductive, effete, fallow leeches of our society!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Impecunious is derived from Latin im-, in-, "not" + pecuniosus, "rich," from pecunia, "property in cattle, hence money," from pecu, "livestock."
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